KevinnZou / compose-webview-multiplatform

WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
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addargs to webview on desktop platform not working #97

Closed exdrcw closed 10 months ago

exdrcw commented 10 months ago

I want to pass some command line arguments into desktop webview, I tried the following code but it has no effect

                KCEF.init(builder = {
                    progress {
                        onDownloading {
                            downloading = max(it, 0F)
                        onInitialized {
                            initialized = true
                    settings {
                        cachePath = File("cache").absolutePath

I read the documentation and learned that the Desktop platform uses KCEF, and KCEF is a wrapper of JCEF. JCEF supports passing command arguments to CEFApp. Am I using it the wrong way? Or KCEF does not support this now?

btw, I just want to disable CORS restrictions in the webview, is there a better way to do it?

Thanks in advance to all the contributors to this project, it helped me a lot, thank you very much!

KevinnZou commented 10 months ago

@exdrcw Thanks for your feedback! It seems to be a issue with the KCEF library. @DatL4g Could you have a look at this issue?

DatL4g commented 10 months ago

Looks to me like the args a properly passed to the initialization process. Maybe take a look at jcef documentation, or create a CefAppHandler with onBeforeCommandLineProcessing