KevinnZou / compose-webview-multiplatform

WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
Apache License 2.0
305 stars 39 forks source link for desktop #98

Open mikedawson opened 3 months ago

mikedawson commented 3 months ago


I think this project is filling a really important gap, given that most real world applications with a graphical user interface these days has a webview somewhere.

On Desktop: has the use of been considered? Bundling 100MB of Chromium is something that would be better to avoid if possible. There have been a couple projects that aim to allow the use of the system WebView (using on Java: and a Java version here: . Webviewko is looking for a new maintainer.

Maybe this has already been considered. If there's any path to avoid the need to bundle Chromium on the desktop that would massively reduce app sizes.

KevinnZou commented 3 months ago

@mikedawson Thanks for your suggestions! I am indeed considering a switch to a different desktop support engine or the introduction of a new engine option. The package size of CEF is somewhat large, and it lacks certain features, which prevent synchronization with the other two ends.

However, the main issue we are currently facing is the lack of maintenance for our desktop project. As a mobile developer, I initially only implemented the Android and iOS ends of the library, with no plans for desktop support. Then, @DatL4g volunteered to join and used CEF to provide the desktop implementation. Unfortunately, it seems that he has shifted his focus to other projects since last month, and we have not received any responses from him regarding desktop-related issues.

Hence, the current situation is that the desktop side of this project can only remain in a maintenance state, where I can address only basic issues, and deeper ones must wait for @DatL4g's response. So, while I am very supportive of your proposal, I am unable to provide an implementation at the moment. Of course, if you have the time and are willing to join us as a maintainer for the desktop side, I would be extremely grateful. If that were the case, we could further explore the details of a plan to support multiple engines for developers to choose from on the desktop side.

DatL4g commented 3 months ago

That's right, I can't focus on that many projects at once, most issues related to desktop webview can't be really adsressed by me since KCEF is just a initialization wrapper around jcef. So most problems are jcef related and I'm not that deep into the actual implementation.