Kevinwochan / Slackr

An naive instant messaging web application built in ReactJS and Python Flask
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An instant messaging web application

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Built in

Backend: Python 3.7, Flask, Pipenv, PyTest, Coverage

Frontend: ReactJS, Material UI, Axios

Table of Contents


Authenticate Users

Instant Messaging

User Profiles

Server Backups

Admin Priviledges


After a game of Hangman has been started any user in the channel can type /guess X where X is an individual letter. If that letter is contained in the word or phrase they're trying to guess, the app should indicate where it occurs. If it does not occur, more of the hangman is drawn. There is a lot of flexibility in how you achieve this. It can be done only by modifying the backend and relying on messages to communicate the state of the game (e.g. after making a guess, the "Hangman" posts a message with a drawing of the hangman in ASCII/emoji art). Alternatively you can modify the frontend, if you want to experiment with fancier graphics.

The app should use words and phrases from an external source, not just a small handful hardcoded into the app. One suitable source is /usr/share/dict/words available on Unix-based systems. Alternatively, the python wikiquote module is available via pip and can be used to retrieve quotes and phrases from Wikiquote.

Note that this part of the specification is deliberately open-ended. You're free to make your own creative choices in exactly how the game should work, as long as the end result is something that could be fairly described as Hangman.