KewBridge / specimens2illustrations

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This repository includes scripts to process botanical monographs published in the Open Access journal PhytoKeys. The data included in the monograph can be used to build multi-modal datasets, such as:


graph LR
    subgraph s [" "]
        subgraph s0 ["Article download"]
            doi2xml["<b>make xml</b> For each DOI, <br/>get XML format data<br/><b>Input:</b> doi:10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041 <br/><b>Output:</b> downloads/10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041.xml"]

        subgraph " "
            xmlproc["<b>make txt</b> For each XML file, <br/>extract relevant data and <br/>write to text delimited file<br/><b>Input:</b> downloads/10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041.xml<br/><b>Output:</b> data/10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041.txt"]
            doi2xml--"Initial text processing and image download"-->xmlproc

        subgraph "" 
            txtproc["<b>make captions</b> For each txt file, <br/>parse caption into components and <br/>write to text delimited file<br/><b>Input:</b> data/10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041.txt<br/><b>Output:</b> data/10.3897/phytokeys.22.4041-captions.txt"]
            seg["<b>make segment</b> For each caption set,<br/>read illustration image and segment"]
            xmlproc--"Caption text processing and image segmentation"-->txtproc-->seg

How to use

In remote infrastructure (continuous integration in github actions)

This is the simplest way to run the software and to get an understanding of what it is doing, as you don't need to install any software locally.

  1. Navigate to the actions tab of the repository (see screenshot)
  2. Click Makefile CI in the left hand sidebar, and then on the run workflow dropdown. In the dropdown, click on the green run workflow button (see screenshot)
  3. Wait a moment and you will see a new workflow run appear at the top of the list. (see screenshot)
  4. Click on the workflow to see the steps being executed (see screenshot)
  5. Click on the step build to see the output of the actual commands (see screenshot)
  6. When the build has completed, you can access the products of the build (named data) in the artifacts list at the bottom of the screen (see screenshot)

Locally (on your own machine)


You will need a git client in order to get the code from github. To run the software you'll need python installed on your local machine, and the dependency management tool make. See the useful links section below for resources about using and understanding the tool make.

How to run

  1. Open a command line shell
  2. Clone the github repository into a directory on your local machine: git clone
  3. Change into the new directory: cd specimens2illustrations
  4. Create a virtual environment: python -m venv env
  5. Activate the virtual environment: source env/Scripts/activate
  6. Install python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Use make to generate the target (the processed text files): make all

Note: as the Makefile is configured to define dependencies between targets, it will first execute commands to download the XML format data using the list of DOIs supplied. (DOI == Digital Object Identifier, a resolvable persistent identifier for a bibliographic work). The DOIs are defined as a variable in the first line of the Makefile. Then the XML format data is processed using to generate the processed text file. See comments within the makefile for more details.

Useful links

Problems / questions

Please raise an issue in the issue tracker for this repository.


Contributions are welcome. Please first submit an issue describing the problem being fixed, or the new functionality proposed to be added - and include a reference to the relevant issue in the commit message, for traceability.
