KeyWorksRW / ttBld

Creates a makefile and Ninja build scripts from a simple YAML file (.srcfiles.yaml)
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The original of this tool was written in 2002, long before CMake became popular/standard. It's been maintained and used internally within KeyWorks Software ever since. While it still has a few advantages over CMake, it's not going to be enough to justify switching to this app. This project remains as a public repository for historical purposes, and it is still maintained since it can be used to create or maintain a CMakeLists.txt file, but it should no longer be used as the primary build system for a project.

This tool is used with C++ projects to create ninja scripts that can either be run directly, or they can be run by the makefile that ttBld will generate. To convert a .srcfiles.yaml that ttBld creates into a CMake file, run the following in the root of your project:

    ttBld -cmake

If CMakeLists.txt doesn't exist (and .srcfiles.yaml can be found), it will be created. If it already exists, a CMakeLists.ttbld file will be created so that you can run a difference between the two files.

Note that ttBld can import most Visual Studio projects, so if you want to convert a .vcproj or .vcxproj into a CMakeLists.txt file, first run ttBld to convert the VS project into .srcfiles.yaml, and then run ttBld again with the -cmake command.


To clone this repository, use:

git clone --recurse-submodules

If you already cloned the repository without using the --recurse command, then enter:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update


Because wxWidgets is required, you will need to build in a shell where the the $(WXWIN) environment variable has been set so that the appropriate include and library files can be found.

At a minimum, you will need a C++17 or later compiler, and CMake version 3.20 or later. It is strongly recommended that you use a multi-config generator as in the following:

    cmake -G "Ninja Multi-Config" . -B build

After the above step, building can be done with the following command line (from the root of the project):

    cmake.exe --build build --config Release


There are multiple licenses used by this project.

All KeyWorks Software contributions are under Apache License 2.0 LICENSE.

PugiXML code is under MIT LICENSE.