KeyWorksRW / wxUiEditor

RAD tool used to create and maintain wxWidgets UI elements.
Apache License 2.0
62 stars 5 forks source link
designer wxpython wxruby wxwidgets

logo wxUiEditor

This WYSIWYG tool is used to create and maintain wxWidgets UI elements (dialogs, menus, etc.), generating either C++, wxPython, wxRuby3 or XRC code. It supports almost all of the wxWidgets UI controls along with bitmap bundles and SVG files.

In addition to creating new projects, the following project types can be imported:

For Windows, you can either run the wxUiEditor-ver-win64.exe installer from releases or run winget install wxUiEditor from a command line. For Linux, wxUiEditor-ver-Linux.deb and wxUiEditor-ver-Linux.rpm are available in the releases section.


CodeQL GitHub tag


You will need a C++20 compliant compiler to build wxUiEditor. To build using CMake 3.20 or higher, run the following two commands from the root of the repository:

    cmake -G "Ninja Multi-Config" . -B build
    cmake --build build --config Release --target wxUiEditor

For Unix builds, you currently need a minimum of gcc 11.4 to be able to compile the sources. After building, you can can change to the build/ directory and run cpack -G DEB -C Release or cpack -G RPM -C Release to create a Ubuntu or Fedora package.

See Developer notes if you want information about contributing to the project.


Screen shots

The following is a sample screen shot of wxUiEditor showing the Event handler dialog and an example of one of the drop-down lists of controls:
