Khenziii / nixos-config

❄️ My configuration files
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 1 forks source link
config dotfiles dotfiles-linux nixos-configuration


This repository contains my working environment config. It consists of:

  1. nixos config (placed in nixos/, home-manager/ & shared/)
  2. dotfiles (placed in dotfiles/)

It thoroughly defines every single tweak that I've made to any program that's running on my machine.


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The whole OS is centered around Catppuccin Mocha Mauve theme. Lots of applications are configured to match this color pallete, some examples include:

Other than that, this config is also integrated with catppuccin/nix; which regularly adds support for more apps.



Checkout dotfiles/.config/nvim/ It covers those topics:

  1. Keybindings
  2. Plugins
  3. Language Support
  4. Code Formatting


For every detail, see home-manager/modules/packages/shell.

TL;DR: you can accept autosuggestions using 'a, and exit insert mode with 'j.

If you have more questions, feel free to reach out to me!


Every previously mentioned module (nixos/, home-manager/, shared/, dotfiles/) has it's own docs placed in <module_name>/ If you're going to read them, the recommended order is:

  1. dotfiles/
  2. nixos/
  3. home-manager/
  4. shared/

If you're not familiar with Nix, checkout this page; in short, NixOS is a opinionated Linux distro which focuses on reproducibility. Nix is both a package manager, and a programming language at the same time.


You can setup this configuration in many different ways.

Using The Installer (

I have written a minimal script for linking the dotfiles and switching to the NixOS configuration:

$ curl > && sudo chmod +x && sudo ./ && rm -f

[!TIP] Running this script, requires having git and stow installed. If you're on NixOS, you can temporarily enter a shell session with them available using this command:

$ nix-shell -p git stow 

[!TIP] By default, the script shows a warning requesting the user to make sure that they want to proceed at startup. To override it, you can pass y as the first parameter when calling the script:

$ curl > && sudo chmod +x && sudo ./ y && rm -f

[!CAUTION] curl'ing a file like this and executing it as root without necessary attention is extremely dangerous.

make sure to read the content of this script before running it!!!


If you don't want to run a random script originating from a random github repo (which is totally understandable, I'd be cautious too), you can execute the commands yourself:

$ git clone
$ cd nixos-config
$ stow --no-folding --adopt -t ~ dotfiles
$ touch ~/.config/hypr/monitors.conf
$ touch ~/.config/hypr/workspaces.conf
$ sudo nixos-generate-config
$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ".#iusenixosbtw" --impure
$ home-manager switch --flake ".#khenzii"

monitors.conf and workspaces.conf are both files created by nwg-displays (output configuration utility). They're imported from hyprland.conf, so we create empty placeholders to avoid errors.

Remember, there's nothing stopping you from using the code however you like to! It's licensed under GPL-3.0. If you want to, you can use only the dotfiles like this:

$ git clone
$ cd nixos-config
$ stow --no-folding --adopt -t ~ dotfiles
$ touch ~/.config/hypr/monitors.conf
$ touch ~/.config/hypr/workspaces.conf

The choice is up to you!