Khojasteh / simple-graph

A visual Delphi component for drawing simple directed graphs.
MIT License
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delphi directed-graph graph simple-graph windows


TSimpleGraph is a visual Delphi component, which provides a canvas for drawing simple directed graphs.


The control has the following predefined node types for basic geometric shapes:

By overriding one or two methods, a new node type can be derived easily from one of the existing node classes.

The control has one predefined link (edge) type. Each endpoint of a link can be anchored to a node or another link.


The repository contains the source code of a Delphi application, which demonstrates the features of the TSimpleGraph control in action.

See the documentation for details.


Add the following file into a new or existing package:

The following packages must be added to the requires clause of your package:

Ensure SimpleGraph.pas and DELPHIAREA.INC files are in the search path of your Delphi installation.