KhronosGroup / SYCL_Reference

SYCL Reference Manual
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.. Copyright 2024 The Khronos Group Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0

========================== SYCL Language Reference

.. image:: :target:

This document is incomplete and inconsistent in the current state, as work is ongoing to update it. Please do not use as a reference or propose bug fixes at the moment, since the content is being updated and is known to be in an inconsistent state. See SYCL specification_ for reference documentation for SYCL.

Resolving Errors When Submitting a PR

The checks job in GitHub Actions runs some static tests with the pre-commit python package. You can resolve issues faster by running the checks locally before submitting the PR.

Run pre-commit checks::

pre-commit run --all

Do pre-commit testing as part of git commit::

pre-commit install

To do a commit without running checks::

git commit -n -m 'Commit message'

To skip a single test, e.g. sphinx::

SKIP=sphinx pre-commit run --all

pre-commit will automatically fix most issues. After pre-commit finds and fixes issues, do a git add to add the changes and run pre-commit or git commit again. You must manually fix spelling errors, broken links, and long lines.

To resolve spelling errors, you can manually run the spell checker::

make spelling

Unrecognized words spelling_wordlist.txt. If the spell checker is warning about code, it means you have not properly delimited the code in the rst. Do not add it to spelling_wordlist.txt add, back quotes or other delimeters so it will be ignored.

.. _SYCL specification: