KhronosGroup / Vulkan-Tutorial

Khronos version of the Vulkan Tutorial as parts of the Vulkan documentation project
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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= Khronos Vulkan^®^ Tutorial

== Attribution

The Khronos Vulkan^®^ Tutorial is based on the "link:[Vulkan Tutorial]" by Alexander Overvoorde licensed under link:[CC BY-SA 4.0].

== About

This repository hosts the contents of the link:[Khronos Vulkan Tutorial]. The tutorial is part of the link:[Vulkan Documentation Project].

== License

The contents of this repository are licensed as[CC BY-SA 4.0], unless stated otherwise. By contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contributions to the public under that same license.

The code listings in the code directory are licensed as[CC0 1.0 Universal]. By contributing to that directory, you agree to license your contributions to the public under that same public domain-like license.

== Contributing

Contributions are welcome, details on how to contribute and the technical requirements that have to be met can be found in link:CONTRIBUTING.adoc[this document].