KhrulkovV / tt-pytorch

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Research purpose implementation of Tensor Train and Tensor Ring algorithms in Pytorch


System requirements

Dependencies and Getting Started

You may install PyTorch using any suggested method for your environment here.

Also, after cloning the repo, you can run python install in the command line to install the required packages.

Setting up experiments

To check the experiments settings, see a file

For example, to run an experiment for TT embedding layer you can run:

python --embed_dim 256 --dataset imdb --embedding tt \
    --n_epochs 100 --d 3 --ranks 16 --gpu 1

Repository structure

The directory t3nsor contains classes and function for TT and TR decompositions, embedding layers and so on. The directory sentiment contains the models and experiment setting files.


If you use these algorithms in your research we kindly ask you to cite our work

  title={Tensorized {E}mbedding {L}ayers {F}or {E}fficient {M}odel {C}ompression},
  author={Khrulkov, Valentin and Hrinchuk, Oleksii and Mirvakhabova, Leyla and Orlova, Elena and Oseledets, Ivan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10787},