MediaPlayer-KMP is a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library that allows you to display and play YouTube videos across Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop platforms using JetBrains Compose Multiplatform. It provides a unified API for video playback that seamlessly integrates into Kotlin's multiplatform ecosystem.
You can include MediaPlayer-KMP in your project by adding the following dependency:
Version Catelog
mediaPlayerKMP = "2.0.4"
alert-kmp = { module = "io.github.khubaibkhan4:mediaplayer-kmp", version.ref = "mediaPlayerKMP" }
For the YouTube Player, you just need to provide the youtube video link. It will automatically detect it & will launch the YouTube Player.
import io.github.khubaibkhan4.mediaplayer.VideoPlayer
fun main() {
VideoPlayer(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(340.dp),
url ="", // Automatically Detect the URL, Wether to Play YouTube Video or .mp4 e.g
For the YouTube Player, you just need to provide the youtube video link. It will automatically detect it & will launch the YouTube Player. It almost supports all the video extensions.
import io.github.khubaibkhan4.mediaplayer.VideoPlayer
fun main() {
VideoPlayer(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth().height(340.dp),
url ="", // Automatically Detect the URL, Wether to Play YouTube Video or .mp4 e.g
Audio Player Support is Implemented. It supports mp3
. It Supports Play Back, Volume Up, Down and Stability as well.
import io.github.khubaibkhan4.mediaplayer.VideoPlayer
fun main() {
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
url = "",
startTime = Color.Black,
endTime = Color.Black,
volumeIconColor = Color.Black,
playIconColor = Color.Blue,
sliderTrackColor = Color.LightGray,
sliderIndicatorColor = Color.Blue
Let's chat about potential projects, job opportunities, or any other collaboration! Feel free to connect with me through the following channels:
We welcome contributions to the MediaPlayer-KMP Library Project! To contribute, please follow these guidelines:
We expect all contributors and users of the Alert-KMP Library Project to adhere to our code of conduct. Please review the Code of Conduct for details on expected behavior and reporting procedures.