Visual Novel Manager
This website will help users track their visual novel reading progress.
The project is intended to be a web-based manager like other media managers such as MAL in terms of listing user’s VN catalog information.
The website intends to use the new HTTPS-based API hosted by the Visual Novel Database (VNDB)
in order to gather general information (Titles, Length, Cover Images, etc.) on various VNs.
Potential Features Summary
- User login system to handle tracking progress.
- Users can add games to “currently reading” list using a search function with data generated from the API.
- Users will be able to place games from the “currently reading” into other pre-defined lists such as: Completed, On-Hold, Dropped, or Plan to Read
- Users can create their own list of VNs
- CSS Card based styling of listing VNs containing the Cover Image, Title, etc.