KinesisCorporation / Adv360-Pro-ZMK

Production repository for the all-new Advantage360 Professional using ZMK engine
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Right side won't pair with left side when right side powered on first. #510

Open abreinig opened 3 weeks ago

abreinig commented 3 weeks ago

What is/are the cause(s) of the right side not pairing with the left side? I have used a different ZMK board for months (glove80) and I turn both sides on and off many times every day and never had a single issue despite never paying attention to the order of turning the sides on or anything. It is infuriating the dance I have to do to get the sides paired on the kinesis advantage 360. Is it a code problem, a hardware problem, or what?

ReFil commented 3 weeks ago

Are you running the latest firmware? Older versions had a known bug causing issues with split connections

abreinig commented 3 weeks ago

I just came back to put my firmware version, and you beat me! Firmware version v3.0 , my branch is synced with upstream KinesisCorporation/Adv360-Pro-ZMK:V3.0

yodahuang commented 1 week ago

I'm also having the same issue with my branch, synced with V3.0.

KyleCotton commented 4 days ago

I'm also having this issue. It seems that plugging in the left module then disconnecting seems to rectify the issue - temporarily.

I have just updated to the latest firmware but the issue seems to persist.

abreinig commented 8 hours ago

Can we please get an official response on this? Other ZMK boards do not have this problem. If it's a software problem, can you contract someone to fix it? If it's a hardware problem, are you aware of how to fix it? Will it be fixed in an upcoming hardware revision?

KinesisCorporation commented 5 hours ago

Hi All-

Sorry to hear you are having "syncing" troubles. We've talked with our team here are not seeing any widespread issues with syncing. Did your keyboards stop syncing overnight or did it happen after a firmware flash or other operation?

Why don't you try performing BOTH a 2.0 and 3.0 Settings Reset and then re-flashing your 3.0 firmware using the Reset files and instructions linked below. If that still doesn't resolve the issue, please submit a ticket and reference this thread and we'll escalate to a repair/replacement unit.




abreinig commented 4 hours ago

This should be reproducible. I have had same exact issue on 2 different new boards with latest firmware and resets. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Turn both halves off.
  2. Turn on right side first.
  3. Turn on left side.

The right side will not pair to the left. Even if I turn it off and on it will not pair. It will only pair if I turn both sides off, and turn the left side on and wait, then turn the right side on. So, when I am turning both sides on, if I am not careful enough to turn on the left side first, they don't pair and I have to start over. Please repeat these steps and let me know if you have the same issue. Like I said, my other ZMK boards do not have this problem.

KinesisCorporation commented 3 hours ago

Thanks for the additional information.

Early versions of firmware required that the left side be powered on first but newer versions are not picky. We just flashed factory firmware and powered on the right first with no issue.

Does it always sync properly when the left side is powered on first? Does it stay synced in that situation even after the keyboard goes to sleep?

It would be worth performing the double 2.0 and 3.0 reset and then installing see if you can restore the keyboard to expected functionality. If that doesn't work, we'll pay to ship it back to Kinesis to troubleshoot and repair/replace as needed per your warranty.

abreinig commented 3 hours ago

Thanks for the response. The halves have always synced properly as long as I turn on the left side and wait a second before turning on the right side. They stay synced even after the keyboard goes to sleep. I will try the double 2.0 and 3.0 reset and report back my testing results.

KinesisCorporation commented 2 hours ago

That's good to hear as its always been the best practice for powering on the devices.

abreinig commented 2 hours ago

Steps performed:

  1. Put left half into bootloader mode and flashed 2.0 settings reset. Success, power off
  2. Put right half into bootloader mode and flashed 2.0 settings reset. Success, power off
  3. Put left half into bootloader mode and flashed 3.0 settings reset. Success, power off
  4. Put right half into bootloader mode and flashed 3.0 settings reset. Success, power off
  5. Power on and plug in left half and enter bootloader mode, copy my modified 3.0 firmware file. Success, left powered on.
  6. Power on the right half and enter bootloader mode, copy my modified 3.0 right firmware file. Success, both halves sync to each other.

Result: Same problem as before. Even if I turn on the right half a millisecond (not scientific) before the left half, they don't sync.

KinesisCorporation commented 2 hours ago

Thanks for trying that. The keyboard certainly "should" allow you to turn on the right side first so its weird that it does not. Since the its working perfectly with the left side being powered on first its unlikely a hardware issue.

Are the other ZMK split keyboards you referenced in the vicinity of this 360 and powered on? Perhaps there is some interference.

If you want to proceed with a repair/replacement please submit a ticket.

abreinig commented 2 hours ago

That's a good question about interference. I took the halves to different parts of my home away from other devices in an attempt to get away from something that could be interfering but the behavior didn't change. It's not the most scientific test, I could take them in my car and drive to a field for a better test. It does give me hope that you can't replicate this behavior.