KingBain / AreWeProB
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Are We Protected B?


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"Are We Protected B?" is a web-based tool designed to provide a quick and fun response to the commonly asked question "Are we Protected B?". The tool offers a humorous yet straightforward answer depending on the security status of a given domain. In no way does this tool validate actual Protected B status.

This project consists of two main parts:

  1. The Landing Page (index.html): A static HTML page that uses JavaScript to change its appearance based on URL parameters. It serves as a fun way to check if a particular domain is "Protected B" compliant.

  2. The API (/api/index.php): A simple PHP script that returns a JSON object indicating the security status of a domain as per the "Protected B" standard.

How It Works


To set up this project, simply clone the repository and deploy the files to your web server. Ensure that PHP is installed if you wish to utilize the API functionality.


Landing Page

Access the landing page at and add URL parameters as needed:


Send a GET request to the API at with the required parameters:

The API will return a JSON object containing the domain and its "Protected B" status.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request with your improvements.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.


Special thanks to everyone who asks, "Are we Protected B?", thus inspiring the creation of this tool.