Kinneyzhang / gkroam

A lightweight roam replica on top of emacs org-mode.
GNU General Public License v3.0
193 stars 8 forks source link

[[][file:]] [[][file:]]

** Introduction Gkroam is a lightweight [[][Roam Research]] replica, built on top of emacs org-mode. It uses 'ripgrep' to search links on pages and insert references at the bottom of org pages automatically. The principle of Gkroam is "Be faithful to Roam Research".

** Demos

** Installation

Clone this repo and add gkroam to your emacs load-path. My configurations are as follows. Feel free to modify them as to however you prefer.

Now, you can also install gkroam from Melpa with =package-install=.

+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp

(use-package gkroam :ensure t :hook (after-init . gkroam-mode) :init (setq gkroam-root-dir "~/gkroam/org/") (setq gkroam-prettify-page-flag t gkroam-show-brackets-flag nil gkroam-use-default-filename t gkroam-window-margin 4) :bind (:map gkroam-mode-map (("C-c r I" . gkroam-index) ("C-c r d" . gkroam-daily) ("C-c r D" . gkroam-delete) ("C-c r f" . gkroam-find) ("C-c r i" . gkroam-insert) ("C-c r n" . gkroam-dwim) ("C-c r e" . gkroam-link-edit) ("C-c r u" . gkroam-show-unlinked) ("C-c r p" . gkroam-toggle-prettify) ("C-c r t" . gkroam-toggle-brackets) ("C-c r R" . gkroam-rebuild-caches) ("C-c r g" . gkroam-update))))


** Dependencies

** Important Tips

** Usage *** Link format

- page link: ={[<title>]}=
- page link with alias: ={[<title>][<alias>]}=

- headline link: ={[<title> » <headline>]}=
- headline link with alias: ={[<title> » <headline>][<alias>]}=

*** Main functions

Find a gkroam file and open it. If it does not exist, create a new one. Just like /ido-find-file/.

Insert a page bracket link at point.

Delete one or more gkroam pages.

Create or open 'daily notes' page.

Smartly create a new file. If in a region, read the text in region as file title. If a word at point, read the text at point as file title. Otherwise, use =gkroam-find=. Finally, insert a file link at point or in region.

Show gkroam index buffer. Index buffer includes all gkroam pages' title, word counts, mentions, updated time and created time. You can click mentions number to see all references in a side window.

Edit link in minibuffer. This function is very useful when brackets are hidden.

Show page' unlinked references in a side window. Click link in unlinked references to link it to reference.

Hide and show brackets of link and hashtag.

Whether to prettify gkroam page.

Update current buffer's references. Actually, references are updated automatically.

Rebuild all caches, including page and filename cache, headline and headline id cache, page and references cache. It may takes seconds to build all, please be patient.

** ChangeLog

** TodoList

Recently, I have been watching [[][videos]] about Roam Research. From these, I have gotten lots of ideas on how to improve gkroam. The ideas are as follows:

** Credits The original idea of Gkroam comes from [[][casouri]]'s [[][bklink.el]].