Kinneyzhang / rich-text

Emacs rich text package.
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Rich-text is an emacs package to render rich text with overlays. Even after the file buffer is killed or emacs is closed, rich text can still be restored when it is opened again.



(use-package rich-text
  :load-path "/path/to/rich-text"
  :init (setq rich-text-selected-ignore-modes '(prog-mode))
  :config (rich-text-mode 1))


use define-rich-text and define-rich-text-dwim macros to customize your own rich text format.

some built-in ones

There are some built-in rich-text formats:

rich-text key
headline-1 h1 set rich-text-headline-1-height to customize the default height.
headline-2 h2 set rich-text-headline-2-height to customize the default height.
headline-3 h3 set rich-text-headline-3-height to customize the default height.
underline-line ul straight underline
underline-wave uw wave underline
bold bb set rich-text-bold-type to customize the default type of bold.
italic ii set rich-text-italic-type to customize the default type of italic.
fontcolor cc set rich-text-fontcolor-light to customize the default font color in light theme.
set rich-text-fontcolor-dark to customize the default font color in dark theme.
highlight vv set rich-text-highlight-light-color to customize the default highlight color in light theme.
set rich-text-highlight-dark-color to customize the default highlight color in light theme.

usage of define-rich-text

(define-rich-text NAME KEY PROPS) could be used to define a simple rich-text format. NAME is the name of rich-text format. KEY is the keybinding. PROPS is elisp text properties.

For example, the elisp below define a rich-text format named bold-underline which is binded to two single keystrokes "bu". When you press key on a region, text in region will be rendered by text properties '(face (:weight bold :underline t))

(define-rich-text bold-underline "bu"
  '(face (:weight bold :underline t)))

usage of define-rich-text-dwim

(define-rich-text-dwim NAME KEY &KEY PROPS LIGHT DARK) is an enhanced version of define-rich-text, which support setting specific properties for themes with light or dark background. And when the background of theme is changed, the rich-text properties will also be changed adaptably.

This feature is useful when you want to render different colors separately in light or dark themes, since a color suitable for light themes may not for dark themes, vice versa.


(define-rich-text-dwim highlight-1 "v1"
  :light '(face (:background "#F7E987" :foreground "black"))
  :dark '(face (:background "#C58940" :foreground "white")))


rich-text-plus.el defined some other rich-text with my own preference. If you want to use them, just (require 'rich-text-plus) and feel free to modify them as you need.

You could find more useful rich-text properties in Special-Properties