Kintyre / shinnecock-agent

Standalone client for Kintyre Speed Testing
2 stars 0 forks source link

Confirm names #2

Closed lowell80 closed 6 years ago

lowell80 commented 6 years ago

Confirm the following names:

Lowell's thoughts:

brian-kennedy commented 6 years ago

Repo: shinnecock-agent Script: Package: kintyre-speedtest-agent

lowell80 commented 6 years ago


Minor changes required upon further investigation. Unless I hear otherwise I'll assume you're fine with this.

I oversimplified this in the original ticket. Here's the python naming:


  1. The installed "executable script" can't end with .py (it will have no extension on Linux/Mac, and .exe on Windows); This isn't visible until after the package is installed.
  2. The internal module can be called (Dashes aren't allowed in the name of Python modules.) This name will appear in the repo, and can be executed directly for testing.