Kintyre / shinnecock-agent

Standalone client for Kintyre Speed Testing
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python speedtest splunk-event-collector

Kintyre Speedtest Agent

Build Status codecov PyPI PyPI - Python Version

An Internet speedtest monitoring utility for Splunk HEC. Speedtest and other networking information is captured and sent to a central Splunk instance via the Http Event Collector. Scheduled monitoring is handled by the OS scheduler of your choice (often cron or the Windows Scheduler).

The Splunk app and TA are hosted in this repository and will be available via Splunkbase. The Kintyre Speedtest App for Splunk contains some example searches and visualizations of data collected by this speedtest agent, and the Kintyre Speedtest Add-on for Splunk has an embedded copy of the agent which can be conveniently used for collecting and forwarding speedtest data within an existing Splunk infrastructure.


Using pip:

pip install kintyre-speedtest-agent

System-level install: (For Mac/Linux)

curl | sudo python - kintyre-speedtest-agent

Note: This will also install/update pip and bypass some known TLS/SSL issues

If pip is not present or out of date on your Linux system, see the Python Packaging doc regarding Linux Package Managers, or more generally, Installing Packages.


Configuration is handled by a configuration file stored in the user's home directory. Run the --register command to bootstrap the configuration with appropriate values. You may re-run this process at any time or edit the kintyre_speedtest.ini file directly.

Example registration command (using the Kintyre's dev server):

kintyre-speedtest --register \
    --url \
    --token dbbcd446-f5e7-412b-a971-dae59167a72f

If your HEC is using HTTPS with a self-signed cert automatically generated by Splunk, then the agent will fail with the error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed. To skip this for initial testing, add --certs insecure to the --register command shown above. Be sure to enable SSL certificate validation again for a long-term deployment.

NOTE: Be sure to run --register with the same OS user account used to schedule the execution of speedtest via your scheduler of choice. Otherwise, the configuration file will not be found and the script will fail.


Check what version you are running with

kintyre-speedtest --version

If it's not the latest version, then upgrade using pip:

pip install -U kintyre-speedtest-agent

What's collected

The following list documents the types of metrics collected by this agent. Be aware, this is only a summary, not every specific data point. It is possible some information similar to PII could be collected such as a hostname with your name in it. Anyone with security concerns should (1) run the script and see a dump of the information it collects, and (2) make sure you trust the endpoint where you are sending this data. If you have further questions, please review the source code or feel free to ask questions by opening an issue on GitHub.

Data points:

A long-term goal of this project is to provide a means to enable/disable various portions of the data collection process but this is not currently implemented. If this is important to you, pull requests are welcomed!


If you wish to help with development, or simply install via git, we suggest installing into a virtual environment that can be thrown away and recreated as necessary. Pull-requests are welcome!


pip install virtualenv


git clone
cd shinnecock-agent || exit 1
virtualenv venv || exit 1
souce venv/bin/activate || exit 1
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

Testing locally:

# Assumes tox and multiple python versions have been installed (i.e., pyenv)

# Accelerated test run bypassing the actual "SpeedTest" portion (save some bandwidth)
tox -- --fake-it


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