A CLI reliant program that downloads, and searches anime from gogoanime.vc
GoGoDownloader has been rewritten and is now called GoGoDownloader-R2
This repository will now be abandoned, any further updates will be on GoGoDownloader-R2's Repository
For an in-depth explanation click here: Documentation
1. Python v3.x.x
2. pip
3. Aria2
4. rsync (installation purposes v1.3 up)
Python modules used:
-html5lib(for bs4 html parser)
No longer requred as of V1.15
•Termux[android]: 100% tested
•Windows: Not tested
•Linux/unix: Working
•You can Ctrl+C to pause a download during the process
•Bulk episode Download!
•Genre searching (V1.1 up)
•Quality selection (V1.2 up)
•Able to move through pagination (V1.2 up)
•And many more for you to discover!
Copy and paste these:
Step 1: termux-setup-storage
[optional] Step 2: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Step 3:
curl -L 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Kinuseka/GoGo-Downloader/main/Setup.sh' | bash -s -- update
If installation is successful you can simply type goanime
to start
Info: For updates do goupdate!
on command line to automatically update to the latest release
Anime will be downloaded on
Download my program on latest release
extract the program from the zip file
and place it anywhere on your storage that
is easily accessible
Install Packages:
apt-get install python
apt-get install aria2
Install Requirements:
pip install bs4
pip install requests
Before you start the python program:
-Make sure you have external storage permissions enabled This can be done by doing:
-Make sure you are on the same directory as the program's
this can be done by:
cd GoGo-Downloader/
cd directory/to/file
To start:
$ python RuNime.py
It should show up like this
A brief example of what you see should during usage