Kipama / Modern_Minecarts

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ModernMinecarts is all about rekindling your love for Minecarts.

It once again makes them a viable method of transport for players and items, while keeping a vanilla style.


Copper Rails:

These rails are twice as fast as powered rails.

However, oxidation causes them to become slower over time.

They are crafted using a copper smithing template discovered in mineshafts and villages.

Chaining Minecarts:

Link minecarts together using chains to transport multiple entities or large quantities of items simultaneously.

Connected hopper minecarts and chest minecarts join their inventories making loading and unloading trains easier.

Furnace minecarts can pull chained minecarts, and draw fuel directly from attached minecarts' inventories. They also have a new UI and can burn any kind of fuel.

Other Rail blocks:

Rail Jump: This new rail block lets minecarts leap over gaps, as the name suggests. Crafted with a rail and a stick, or by using a stick on a placed rail.

Rail Crossing: Not much to say here, it is an intersection, acting like a straight rail from all directions.

Powered Detector Rail: Merges the functionalities of powered and detector rails. Stop empty carts (or trains) and release them once full, or invert it to unload full minecarts.

Smaller Changes: