During play-testing of the f9782d5 commit version of the project ive experienced elements of the maze being accessible,reducing the total playable size of the maze.
The current method of maze generation doesn't take into account if the chunks generated will be create a feasible route with no easy way to check the impact of the current code until the visual elements where added to the previous release.
I suggest myself and a few other members do some research into 2D array mazes and a state machine or other program to ensure maze functionality at generation.Then we can implement the chosen system for the multiplayer update.
During play-testing of the f9782d5 commit version of the project ive experienced elements of the maze being accessible,reducing the total playable size of the maze.
The current method of maze generation doesn't take into account if the chunks generated will be create a feasible route with no easy way to check the impact of the current code until the visual elements where added to the previous release.
I suggest myself and a few other members do some research into 2D array mazes and a state machine or other program to ensure maze functionality at generation.Then we can implement the chosen system for the multiplayer update.