This project is strange at best on how it all works. But after an hour of figuring out why it didnt work on my laptop, then it not working on my desktop after fixing my laptop. I've got this stuff down to an art. These instructions are for Eclipse only, as thats what I use. For netbeans, I think you just open the and you might be fine, havent tested this however.
The project is now imported, but it WILL NOT like anything in this state. Now we need to fix some things...
It's trying to use JRE 1.6. This JRE doesnt allow switch statements with Strings, and for some reason the "desktop" project hasn't linked the assets folder from "core". These issues can be fixed by doing below: Note: These steps need to be done to the projects "Jumazy-core" and "Jumazy-desktop" but NOT "Jumazy"
Now, hopefully, it'll all work! If not, I might have missed something, send me a message if you can't sort it, and I'll try and think of what I forgot