Kirscher / ResultAthle

Scraping, visualisation et analyse de résultats d'athlétisme depuis le site bases.athle de la FFA
MIT License
11 stars 2 forks source link
athletics data-analysis data-visualization ffa france performance-analysis ranking runner running scraping visualization webscraping


ci documentation

ResultAthle is a project aimed at making statistical tools more accessible at the amateur level in athletics. It addresses the challenges of data manipulation and the lack of accessible descriptive statistics at the club, race, or individual level.

Table of Contents


To install the necessary dependencies, run the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Python package

To retrieve the '.csv' file containing the list of results from a running competition on the bases.athle results site, you can use the '' module:

from utils.scraping import get_results
header, data = get_results(url, nb_pages)

Where 'url' is the bases.athle URL of the competition to scrape and 'nb_pages' is the number of result pages you want to scrape.

HTML dashboard with Quarto

Quarto is to be downloaded here: Quarto URL.

To convert the main.ipynb to HTML, run:

quarto render .\main.ipynb --to html

To preview the HTML in localhost, run:

quarto preview .\main.ipynb

To host the HTML, run:

quarto preview main.ipynb --port 5000 --host --execute

Features Under Development

We are continuously working to improve ResultAthle and add new features. Here are some of the features that are currently under development:

Stay tuned for these exciting new features!


ResultAthle is licensed under the MIT License. This means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the project, as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.

For more information on the MIT License, see the LICENSE file in this repository or visit MIT License.