Kissadere / AdvancedAchievements-Web-Gui

Create new achievements for your minecraft server on your browser, faster and easier.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Advanced Achievements Web Interface

Create new achievements for your minecraft server on your browser, faster and easier. Available in Spanish and English.



In order to change the default language, you'll have to edit includes/settings.php

// Available languages: es_mx (Español) and en_us (English).
$systemLanguage = "es_mx";

You can also modify the websites title

$systemWebTitle = "My Cool Title";

Change the default limitations for rewards and objectives to match your needs. How does this work? My server has an strict economy system, so i decided to create limitations of how much money a single achievements can reward on completion. You can easily change these limitations here.

Limits: Desired integrer number for limits LimitsLength: Integrer count of Limits number selected

For example, if you choose your RewardsLimits to "1000000). You'll have to set your LimitsLengthRewards to (7), because "1000000" has SEVEN numbers.

$systemLimitsObjectives             = "1000";
$systemLimitsLengthObjectives       = "4";
$systemLimitsRewards                = "10000";
$systemLimitsLengthRewards          = "5";


You can modify the default translations (both available in English and Spanish) to match your needs. Simply locate the includes/lang_xx.php files and modify them as you wish


Upcoming features

  1. Import your current plugins config.yml
  2. Generate a single file for all achievements, appart from the individual files