Kitware / Remus

Remus is a remote mesh/model service framework.
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Remus: A Remote Mesh/Model Service Framework


Remus' goal is to make meshing 2- and 3-dimensional meshes easy. We accomplish this by insulating your program from the instabilities and licenses of the current generation of meshers by providing the ability to mesh on remote machines using a basic client, server, and worker design.

Building Remus

To build Remus you must have

Remus provides a superbuild branch that can be used to easily build Boost and ZMQ dependencies.

Remus Layout

Remus is split into five distinct groups: Common, Proto, Client, Server, and Worker.

Common is a collection of helper classes and is usable by any of the other groups. It contains such useful features as MD5 computation, signal catching, process launching and monitoring, mesh type registration, and a conditional storage class.

Proto contains all of the common classes that are used during serialization. If an object is being sent from the client to the server, it is in the proto group.

Client, Server, and Worker are rather self explanatory: they are the interfaces to the client, server and worker components of Remus.
