KitwareMedical / Deprecated-VesselView

VesselView is a demonstration application from Kitware Inc for the segmentation, registration and analysis of tubes( e.g, blood vessels) in 3D images (e.g, MRI, CT and Ultrasound).
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 15 forks source link


Please refer to


for the continued development of this project.


VesselView by Kitware, Inc.



  1. Start Git Bash
  2. Checkout the source code into a directory C:\W\ by typing the following commands:
cd /c
mkdir W
cd /c/W
git clone VesselView

Note: use short source and build directory names to avoid the maximum path length limitation.


Note: The build process will take approximately 3 hours.

Option 1: CMake GUI and Visual Studio (Recommended)

  1. Start CMake GUI, select source directory C:\W\VesselView and set build directory to C:\W\VesselView-rel.
  2. Add an entry QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE pointing to C:\D\Support\qt-4.8.7-64-vs2013-rel.
  3. Generate the project.
  4. Open C:\W\VesselView-rel\VesselView.sln, select Release and build the project.

Option 2: Command Line

  1. Start the Command Line Prompt
  2. Configure and build the project in C:\W\VesselView-rel by typing the following commands:
cd C:\W\
mkdir VesselView-rel
cd VesselView-rel
cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008 (Win64)" -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:PATH=C:\D\Support\qt-4.8.7-64-vs2013-rel\bin\qmake.exe ..\VesselView
cmake --build . --config Release


Install NSIS 2

Option 1: CMake and Visual Studio (Recommended)

  1. In the C:\W\VesselView-rel\S-bld\Slicer-build directory, open Slicer.sln and build the PACKAGE target

Option 2: Command Line

  1. Start the Command Line Prompt
  2. Build the PACKAGE target by typing the following commands:
cd C:\W\VesselView-rel\S-bld\Slicer-build
cmake --build . --config Release --target PACKAGE
