Kjagd / dotarun

The best running game in existence
30 stars 7 forks source link

Dota Run

The best running game in existence, hopefully!

Dota Run

Hey all!

Our first dota 2 mod is being created right here, so if anybody feels like pitching in, sending a PR or whatever, feel free to do so!

The code is not very pretty since we haven't had time to clean up after reborn, but it is all working.

Setting up

First of all you need to download the files to the correct location. Your git root should be at

...\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta

Please note that since git doesn't allow cloning into a non-empty directory, it will probably create a directory called dotarun, and you will to need move the content of this folder one level up to dota 2 beta. (Don't forget the .git folder!)


The documentation for Dota 2 alpha tools aren't always the best, so here are some of the resources we are using.

Valve's scripting overview


Some introduction tutorials

Trap inspiration


Sublime text packages

To read all the KV-files in the game download gcfscape and open

...\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk

Now browse scipts/npc or whatever you need.

Steam Workshop:

Workshop link


Thanks do BMD for his Barebones mod GitHub

Thanks to everyone at ModDota and the IRC.