KlausBenndorf / guide4you

A configurable web client for geo-applications. Uses OpenLayers 5. Optimized for mobile devices.
MIT License
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Guide4You guide4you

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NPM JavaScript Style Guide Continuous Integration Documentation Coverage

GUIDE4YOU is a JavaScript Web client application built on OpenLayers that supports both desktop and mobile web browsers and features a responsive design.

Screenshot of desktop view, 736x467 pixel

For a screenshot of the mobile view see below.

What can GUIDE4YOU do for you?

With the basic system GUIDE4YOU can:

With additional modules it can also:

Why use GUIDE4YOU?

Compared to alternative software GUIDE4YOU provides a couple of interesting features:

Which browsers are supported?

All modern browsers including

How to setup?

Install guide4you from npm or clone the repository

npm install guide4you


git clone https://github.com/KlausBenndorf/guide4you.git

To find out what is needed to include GUIDE4YOU intoe a webpage check out the index.html in the dist folder. It contains everything that is needed to get you started.

The crucial part is:


This method creates the map in the given DOM-Element. It accepts a selector or a reference to a DOM-Element. As a second and third argument it accepts a map configuration and a layer configuration. Both can be provided as paths to JSON-files or as actual JavaScript objects.

How to build a customized version of GUIDE4YOU?

Switch into the guide4you directory and install all dependecies using

npm install

Then build with a configuration (simple, full) of your choice

npm run prod:simple


npm run debug:simple

or with a local webserver watching file changes on port 8080

npm run dev:simple

or on another port:

npm run dev:simple -- -p 8081


An API-documentation can be found here: https://klausbenndorf.github.io/guide4you/index.html.

Part of the API-documentation is a documentation of the map configuration and layer configuration JSON-objects.

(A german not up-to-date documentation can be found here: GUIDE4YOU Benutzerhandbuch)


Please feel free to ask any question on Stackoverflow with the guide4you tag and file any bugs in the issue tracker.

Mobile Screenshot

Screenshot of mobile view, 360x640 pixel