KleinJonasUVT / tilburg.ai

This repository serves as a central hub for managing tasks, issues, and projects related to Tilburg.ai's mission.
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Tilburg.ai Task Management Repository

This repository is the central hub for managing tasks, issues, and projects related to Tilburg.ai's mission. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or anyone interested in the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and education, this repository is here to help you stay organized and contribute to our mission.

About Tilburg.ai

Tilburg.ai is dedicated to guiding students and faculty in using artificial intelligence (AI) in education and research. Our mission is to explore innovative ways to integrate AI into the classroom, uncover emerging trends in educational technology, and gain insights into the evolving needs of both educators and learners.

How to Use this Repository

Issues The primary purpose of this repository is to create and manage issues. Each issue represents a task, feature request, bug report, or any other item that requires attention within the Tilburg.ai project.

Here's how you can use issues effectively:

Create Issues: If you have a task that needs to be done, a feature you'd like to suggest, or a bug to report, click on the "Issues" tab and create a new issue. You can refer to this article from Tilburg Science Hub to learn how to write good issues. If you have a Plus description on ChatGPT you can also use this GPT to make it write a good issue for you by only providing in plain English what the issue is about.

Labeling: Feel free to add labels to your issues to indicate their type (e.g., enhancement, bug, task) and their priority.

Assignees: Assign the issue to yourself if you're working on it or leave it unassigned if you want someone else to pick it up.

Comments: Use comments to provide additional information, ask questions, or discuss the issue with others.

Closing Issues When an issue is resolved, please close it with a brief description of the solution.


We may organize tasks and issues into projects to better manage and track progress on larger initiatives. You can find our active projects under the "Projects" tab.