Klouds / kDaemon

A RESTful API + websockets framework for managing containers over a set of Docker Nodes.
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Klouds Cluster Daemon

Version 0.0

wercker status Floobits Status

A RESTful API framework for managing containers over a set of Docker Nodes.

Will also run a watcher process that will monitor, fix and rebalance containers on the cluster.

Quickstart Guide

ScreenShot Click here for quickstart guide



Web UI for interacting with kDaemon: kDaemon_UI

Full stack design can be read here Development Plan and here Daemon Design


The stack consists of multiple docker endpoints exposing their APIs to their internal network (or VPN) and managing the state of the cluster from a central location.

    docker --\                    
    docker -->kDaemon                                     
    docker __/   


Running the Application

Configuration -- config/app.conf

    bind_ip =               # IP to bind API to
    api_port = 1337                 # Port to bind API to
    rethinkdb_host =      # RethinkDB Host
    rethinkdb_port = 28015          # RethinkDB Port
    rethinkdb_dbname = kdaemon      # RethinkDB database name
    api_version = 0.0               # Current API version. (You probably shouldnt change this)

To build (linux):

    go get github.com/superordinate/kDaemon
    cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/superordinate/kDaemon
    go build .

To Run


How to use

You can interact with kDaemon in several ways. The easiest way to get started is to use our web-ui at: http://github.com/klouds/kdaemon_ui.

If you're interested in working directly with the REST APIs, you here's some documentation for you:

Adding a node

To add a node, you can POST to bind_ip:api_port/%API_VERSION%/nodes/create

        "d_port": "2375",

Adding an application

To add an application, you can POST to bind_ip:api_port/%API_VERSION%/applications/create

        "docker_image": "ghost"

Create a container

To create a container on your most available node, you can POST to bind_ip:api_port/%API_VERSION%/containers/create

note: The application_id is generated when adding a new application.


Launch a container

POST to bind_ip:api_port/%API_VERSION%/container/launch/%CONTAINER_ID%

API Reference

UPDATED (Feb 25 2016) --

1) adding a start container command to the list. Separating container creation/launch from each other because what was I thinking?
2) moved endpoints to /action/id to get rid of annoying pathing errors.

 * POST     /%API_VERSION%/nodes/create             -- Creates a node
 * PATCH    /%API_VERSION%/nodes/update/id          -- Edits a node
 * DELETE   /%API_VERSION%/nodes/delete/id          -- Deletes a node
 * GET      /%API_VERSION%/nodes/id                 -- Gets node information
 * GET      /%API_VERSION%/nodes                    -- Gets all nodes

 * POST     /%API_VERSION%/applications/create      -- Creates an application in the database
 * PATCH    /%API_VERSION%/applications/update/id   -- Edits an application
 * DELETE   /%API_VERSION%/applications/delete/id   -- Deletes an application
 * GET      /%API_VERSION%/applications/id          -- Gets application information
 * GET      /%API_VERSION%/applications             -- Gets all applications

 * POST /%API_VERSION%/containers/create            -- Creates a container on the cluster
 * POST /%API_VERSION%/containers/launch/id         -- Launches a container on the cluster
 * POST /%API_VERSION%/containers/launch/id         -- Stops a container on the cluster
 * PATCH /%API_VERSION%/containers/update/id        -- Edits a container 
 * DELETE /%API_VERSION%/containers/delete/id       -- Deletes a container 

 * GET /%API_VERSION%/containers/id                 -- Gets container information
 * GET /%API_VERSION%/containers                    -- Gets all containers

Questions on how to use? Contact Ozzadar for more info =)