Kludex / awesome-textual

A curated list of awesome things related to Textual! :sparkles:
MIT License
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Awesome Textual | Awesome

A curated list of awesome things related to Textual.

Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.

To contribute, create an issue first. I'm still organizing the project. :pray:


Code Sharing


Jenkins-tui - Terminal based user interface for Jenkins.

![image info](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chelnak/jenkins-tui/main/media/home_view.png "Jenkins-tui")

kaskade - Terminal based user interface for kafka.

![image info](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sauljabin/kaskade/main/screenshots/dashboard.png "kaskade")

AutoCompleter - A simple autocompleter for the terminal.


FlitTextWidget - A widget that will generate and display figlet text.

```python class FigletTextWidget(Widget): """A widget that will generate and display figlet text.""" has_focus = Reactive(False) mouse_over: bool = Reactive(False) def __init__( self, text: str, name: Optional[str] = None, style: Optional[Style] = None, layout_size: int = 8, ) -> None: """A widget that will generate and display figlet text. Args: text (str, optional): The text that will be rendered in the widget. name (str, optional): The name of the widget. Defaults to the name of the class. style (Style, optional): The style of the widget. layout_size (int, optional): The size of the widget. Defaults to 10. """ super().__init__(name=name or self.__class__.__name__) self.text = text self.layout_size = layout_size self.style = style def on_enter(self) -> None: self.mouse_over = True def on_leave(self) -> None: self.mouse_over = False def on_focus(self) -> None: self.has_focus = True def on_blur(self) -> None: self.has_focus = False def render(self) -> RenderableType: return Align.center( renderable=FigletTextRenderable(text=self.text), vertical="middle", style=self.style or "", pad=False, ) ```


This project is under the MIT License.