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Implement Terms of Usage and Data Handling Policy #12

Open Klurifixus opened 5 months ago

Klurifixus commented 5 months ago

User Story for Terms of Usage: As a new user, I want to understand the terms and conditions of using the webshop, so that I am aware of my rights and obligations before I start using the service.

User Story for Data Handling Policy: As a customer, I need to know how my personal and payment data are collected, used, and protected by the webshop, so that I can trust the platform with my information.

Description: We need to develop and integrate a clear set of "Terms of Usage" and a comprehensive "Data Handling Policy" for our webshop. This is crucial for legal compliance, enhancing user trust, and ensuring transparent communication about how we manage user data.


  1. Draft Terms of Usage: Develop a detailed document outlining the rules, rights, and responsibilities for users of the webshop. Ensure that it covers all legal requirements pertinent to our business and user interaction.

  2. Create Data Handling/Privacy Policy: Draft a policy that clearly explains how we collect, use, store, and protect customer data. Include information on cookies, third-party data sharing (if any), and user rights regarding their data.

  3. Review and Legal Compliance: Have the documents reviewed by a legal expert to ensure compliance with data protection laws (like GDPR, if applicable) and e-commerce regulations.

  4. Integrate into Webshop: Implement these documents on the webshop, easily accessible to users, preferably during the signup process and accessible from the website footer.

  5. User Consent and Accessibility: Ensure mechanisms for user consent are in place, particularly regarding data handling policies. Make sure the documents are user-friendly, with clear language and accessible formatting.

Acceptance Criteria: Terms of Usage and Data Handling Policy are drafted, legally compliant, and integrated into the webshop. Users can easily access, read, and understand these documents. Mechanisms for obtaining user consent are effectively implemented. Deadline: [Specify Date]

This issue addresses the critical need for legal and ethical transparency in e-commerce operations, ensuring users are informed and their data is handled responsibly.