Klurifixus / butikado

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Earn-Shop: Hip-Hop Clothing E-commerce Platform

Welcome to Earn-Shop, the ultimate online destination for men's hip-hop clothing and accessories inspired by the vibrant styles of the '90s. Our platform caters to enthusiasts of skate, hip-hop, reggae, and the iconic '90s hip-hop fashion scene. Earn-Shop is built with dedication to offer a seamless shopping experience, featuring a curated collection of garments that embody the spirit of hip-hop culture.


Built With


Link to Color Theme Our design philosophy is deeply rooted in the vibrant essence of '90s hip-hop culture and the rebellious spirit of skateboarding. The color theme, visualized in the linked image, draws from these dynamic eras, combining warm oranges and deep browns to evoke nostalgia and energy. We've meticulously chosen fonts like "Permanent Marker" to capture the bold and expressive graffiti art characteristic of hip-hop's golden age. Every element, from the background to interactive components, is crafted to immerse users in a shopping experience that not only resonates with the era's aesthetic but also meets modern expectations of functionality and responsiveness.


Link to Wireframes Markdown File


Link to Tests Markdown File

Project overview

Link to The project overview Markdown File

Responsive Design

Link to Responsive Markdown File

Known, Issues and future Feature

Styling or bugs:

Issue #35 on GitHub Issue #36 on GitHub Issue #37 on GitHub

Future Features:

Issue #14 on GitHub Issue Draft on GitHub Issue #28 on GitHub Issue #22 on GitHub Issue #38 on GitHub

Infomation about the future:

-Future enhancements for this page include updating profile pictures and enabling login through Google, Facebook, and Instagram for user convenience. There will also be features for users to save their favorite products, view them easily, and comment on blog posts, drawing inspiration from the GitHub project for Submission project 4. This project's insights will significantly influence the upcoming functionalities, enhancing user engagement and interaction on the platform.

ProjectBoard on Github

Earn-shop project Board

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.



  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/Klurifixus/butikado.git
    cd earn-shop
  2. Set up a virtual environment

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  3. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up environment variables Create a .env file in the root directory and populate it with the necessary API keys and secrets as shown in the settings.py file.

  5. Run migrations to set up the database

    python manage.py migrate # Navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view the app.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Stripe Integration

  1. Create a Stripe Account: Sign up at Stripe and navigate to the dashboard to retrieve your API keys.

  2. Configure Stripe Keys: In your project's settings, add the following lines:

    STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY = os.getenv('STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY', 'your_stripe_public_key')
    STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('STRIPE_SECRET_KEY', 'your_stripe_secret_key')
  3. Use Environment Variables: Store your Stripe API keys in your .env file for local development and configure them in Heroku's Config Vars for production.

Django Allauth for Authentication

  1. Install Django Allauth: Add 'allauth', 'allauth.account', and 'allauth.socialaccount' to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py.

  2. Configure URLs: Include Allauth URLs in your project's urls.py:

    urlpatterns = [
    path('accounts/', include('allauth.urls')),
  3. Customize Allauth Settings: Configure your authentication settings in settings.py, such as ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, ACCOUNT_EMAIL_REQUIRED, etc.

PostgreSQL Database on Heroku

  1. Add PostgreSQL Add-on: From your Heroku dashboard, add the Heroku Postgres add-on to your application.

  2. Configure Database URL: Heroku sets the DATABASE_URL environment variable for your application. Use it in your settings.py:

    import dj_database_url
    DATABASES = {'default': dj_database_url.config(default=os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL'))}
  3. Migrate Your Database: Run heroku run python manage.py migrate to migrate your database schema to Heroku Postgres.

Mailgun for Email Delivery

  1. Add Mailgun Add-on: In the Heroku dashboard, add the Mailgun add-on to your application.

  2. Retrieve API Keys and SMTP Details: From the Mailgun dashboard, get your domain, API key, and SMTP credentials.

  3. Configure Email Settings in Django: Update your settings.py with Mailgun SMTP settings:

    EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
    EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.mailgun.org'
    EMAIL_PORT = 587
    EMAIL_USE_TLS = True
    DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'Your Email <mail@example.com>'
  4. Set Environment Variables: Store your Mailgun credentials in the .env file and configure them in Heroku's Config Vars.

Additional Resources


-We welcome contributions to Earn-Shop! If you have suggestions or improvements, please fork the repo and create a pull request.


-Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information. 


- This project was inspired by and built upon the educational content from Code Institute's Boutique Ado project.      
- Thanks to all the open-source packages and tools that made this project possible.