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Knokd Docs

Welcome to Knokd documentation!

The Knokd Docs are built on top of Protocol Tailwind UI. In this Readme you can learn about:

  1. Limits of the information architecture
  2. Making changes to
  3. Using screenshots
  4. Running the docs app in a development environment

Information Architecture

At this time, nested URLs are supported (e.g., but the sidebar navigation only supports two levels. That is, the sidebar supports:

Section Heading > Document > Sub-sections , where Section Heading has no content, it is merely a heading. The page URL is composed of /section-heading/document#sub-section.

For example:

Welcome to Knokd
|_ # Benefits
  |_ ## Notes
  |_ ## Properties
  |_ ## Libraries
|_ # How Knokd works
  |_ ...
  |_ ...
Realtor Cooperation Policy

The lowest level, e.g. "Notes" is a section on the Benefits page, not it's own page.

Editing the docs

Knokd docs can be edited directly in GitHub.

You will find all Knokd docs stored in the /src/app/ folder. This application generates a static site based on all the instances of page.mdx found in the subfolders of /src/app/.

To make a change on the live site

  1. Navigate to the /src/app/ folder in GitHub.
  2. Click into the section that contains your document, e.g. /realtor-cooperation-policy
  3. Click the document's corresponding title, e.g./types-of-listings
  4. Click to open the page.mdx file inside that folder. For example: The GitHub file at /src/app/listings/types-of-listings/page.mdx corresponds to the public URL
  5. Click the 'pencil' edit button.
  6. Make your changes in the page.mdx file.
  7. Click Commit changes....

With the modal that pops open, follow these best practices to make your commit:

  1. Commit message – pretend you're finishing the sentence "This commit will...", e.g. "Add a legal disclaimer to the pricing page.". Say what you're doing not how you're doing it (the commit history shows the how).
  2. Extended description – (optional), this is a secondary message if you feel further explanation is helpful.
  3. Commit Email - Preferrably, select your address unless you're a third-party helper.
  4. Important!
    • Do NOT select "Commit directly to the main branch" unless you are positive this change is safe to make and does not require a review by anyone. This option skips the pull request review process.
    • In general, select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
    • (optional) rename the propsed branch name for the pull request.
    • Click Propose changes.

To create the pull request:

Later, when a pull request is accepted and "Merged", it will become part of the live code base, and Vercel will automatically re-build and re-deploy the site in about 2 minutes.

Using Screenshots

I made a custom component to handle screenshots. It has two implementations - one for desktop and one for mobile. Use the 'mobile flag' to limit the width of the image container. This is recommended if the source image has a narrow format, e.g. from a mobile screen capture.

To include a screenshot in a doc page:

  1. Place all screenshots in the /public/images/screenshots/ folder, or within a well-named subfolder there.
  2. At the top of the page.mdx, make sure to import the Screenshot component with:
    import { Screenshot } from '@/components/Screenshot'
  3. In the content of your page.mdx, open a <Screenshot component, include an image src and alt attributes before the closing /> tag.

Desktop screenshots:

  alt="Showcasing both the deskptop and mobile view of Knokd Listings page"

Mobile screenshots: Add the flag / attribute mobile={true} to invoke the limited width (380px)

  alt="Testing a mobile images" />

Protocol Template

This section of the readme is for people with development environments set up. It is not required to make edits to the documentation.

Protocol is a Tailwind UI site template built using Tailwind CSS and Next.js.

Getting started

To get started with this template, first install the npm dependencies:

npm install

Next, run the development server:

npm run dev

Finally, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.


You can start editing this template by modifying the files in the /src folder. The site will auto-update as you edit these files.

Global search

This template includes a global search that's powered by the FlexSearch library. It's available by clicking the search input or by using the ⌘K shortcut.

This feature requires no configuration, and works out of the box by automatically scanning your documentation pages to build its index. You can adjust the search parameters by editing the /src/mdx/search.mjs file.


This site template is a commercial product and is licensed under the Tailwind UI license.

Learn more

To learn more about the technologies used in this site template, see the following resources: