KnowWhereGraph / phuzzylink

This is the repository for phuzzylink in KWG
Apache License 2.0
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This is the repository for phuzzylink in KWG .


Before starting the server, first install the dependencies and run the npx build tool. The CSS files are generated with You may need to install less with

npm install less -g

npm install
cd plugins
npm install
cd ..
npx emk -f -w

Production and Development

To deploy on a production server or locally use,

node src/server/server.js -p 3001


When deploying to staging, specify the endpoint using the -e flag,

node src/server/server.js -e -p 3001

Backgrounding the Process

When deploying on remote servers, you may want to run the process in the background so that you can exit ssh without stopping the process. To do this, use nohup

nohup node src/server/server.js -p 3001 &


To make code contributions, check out a branch based on the development branch with git checkout -bb development <your branch name>. Create Pull requests into the main branch. For new releases, merge develop into main.