KnutAM / AbaqusRolloverSimulation
MIT License
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Abaqus Rollover Simulation

Documentation: Documentation Status

If you use this code in your work, please cite Meyer, Knut Andreas, Rostyslav Skrypnyk, and Martin Pletz. 2021. “Efficient 3d Finite Element Modeling of Cyclic Elasto-Plastic Rolling Contact.” Tribology International 161: 107053. (For latex, a bib file is available)

To clone the repository, use git clone --recurse-submodules

Project structure

The following top-level folders and file are provided


Coding guidelines

All functions and modules should be documented with docstrings according to the Sphinx's autodoc format, see e.g. Sphinx RTD Tutorial.


The PEP 8 standard should be complied to, with the following exceptions:

Inclusive language

Contact and constraint terminology

Traditionally master/slave are used to describe contact sides in finite elements, and this is still used by Abaqus. In the present project this terminology shall be avoided when possible (i.e., except when required by the Abaqus API).