Knuxfan24 / KnuxLib

A repository for me to push various bits of code for random file formats in random games I'm tinkering with, alongside basic command line tools for format conversion where applicable.
MIT License
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(World Adventure Wii) Stage Entity Table Support #5

Open Knuxfan24 opened 1 year ago

Knuxfan24 commented 1 year ago
Knuxfan24 commented 1 year ago

I have written some awful code to determine if a value is a floating point number or not, but this ignores any other data types besides unsigned integers.

Attached is a very basic HedgeSet styled template sheet with each object's parameters labelled as either a uint32 or a float32.

Knuxfan24 commented 1 year ago

Parameters look to be the same between the versions, based on reading them all as UInts and dumping them to HSONs then comparing the output.

Knuxfan24 commented 1 year ago

Updated the HedgeSet styled template sheet to indicate when a parameter for an object never has a value other than 0. Also opted to stop attaching _SPAWNER to the struct definitions and just make the name in the object definitions be their hex type.

Knuxfan24 commented 1 year ago

Commit leverages HSON Templates to read and write the parameters as uints or floats, using the same template sheet above (which is now present as part of the repo).