Knuxfan24 / KnuxLib

A repository for me to push various bits of code for random file formats in random games I'm tinkering with, alongside basic command line tools for format conversion where applicable.
MIT License
5 stars 2 forks source link


A repository for me to push various bits of C# code for random file formats in random games I'm tinkering with, alongside a command line tool for extracting/building supported archives/converting supported formats to and from JSON plain text formats.



To build any of the projects here, simply clone the repository and its submodules (either using a tool such as GitHub Desktop or Git CMD) then open the .sln file in a modern version of Visual Studio (anything supporting .NET 6 C# development).

For the average end user, they'll want to right click on the KnuxTools project and choose to Build, then find the compiled executable in KnuxTools/bin/Debug/net6.0.

A developer looking to experiment with or contribute to the project will want to use the KnuxTest project for development, only editing the KnuxTools project to add support for a newly implemented format.

Used Libraries

This repository also uses various other libraries as part of it, included as either a Nuget Package or a Git Submodule. These projects are: