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Adding images to documentation #7

Open imylomylo opened 5 years ago

imylomylo commented 5 years ago

If there are more places to add images or some convention that is going to be used, lets get some notes here so that contributors can find conventions used.

e.g. Images placed in docs/.vuepress/public/sample.png are available in the markdown as ![alt-text](/sample.png)

gcharang commented 5 years ago

I've been inserting images like this: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/Documentation/tree/master/docs/mmV1/installation/images https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/Documentation/blob/master/docs/mmV1/installation/install-marketmakerV1-windows.md#L110

in markdown: ![jq](./images/conemu-jq.png)

i.e., make a directory named "images" in whichever section/directory it is required

imylomylo commented 5 years ago

OK - cool. Thanks, I was going to type this into discord chat but decided not to, but obviously it's needed - i just didn't want to start making suggestions prematurely for no need.

If someone wants to contribute is there a convention used or a guide to add to docs, e.g. my workflow is not set in stone, but i like seeing my work rendered first in roughly the spot it will be.

0.  Create a directory/file where appropriate ./docs/my-new-howto/sample.md
1.  Is it going to be added to the top nav?  Where/how to add to top nav
2.  Does it have it's own sidebar collection or will it be added to a sidebar already existing
3.  Does it have images, where do they go
4.  Will it link to other parts of the docs, and if they are moved, how can we ensure links to pages don't break
gcharang commented 5 years ago
  1. Create a directory/file where appropriate ./docs/my-new-howto/sample.md

I agree

  1. Is it going to be added to the top nav? Where/how to add to top nav

That's the only way to add it to the index without cluttering everything. https://vuepress.vuejs.org/default-theme-config/#navbar-links describes adding links to the top nav bar

  1. Does it have it's own sidebar collection or will it be added to a sidebar already existing

To add to a sidebar that already exists, the new docs should be added to the directory belonging to that sidebar. If a new directory is created, it gets its own sidebar

  1. Does it have images, where do they go

I prefer adding them in the same directory as said in the previous comment, but open to other suggestions

  1. Will it link to other parts of the docs, and if they are moved, how can we ensure links to pages don't break

we are using the file: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/Documentation/blob/master/docs/.vuepress/public/_redirects.js along with the plugin: https://github.com/vuepress/vuepress-plugin-redirect whose author kindly added the feature for us: https://github.com/vuepress/vuepress-plugin-redirect/commit/000e7a1a01932b8c6d85ae0b220a85e7580a25c4