KomodoPlatform / Documentation

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Latest version at https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/komodo-docs-mdx

Komodo documentation uses Vuepress.




If you prefer using Docker, installation of nodejs and yarn is not required. See below for Docker instructions.

Install packages & dependencies

yarn install

Start Editing

yarn docs:dev

HTML output is displayed at http://localhost:8080

Edit the markdown files in the directory docs and save the file.

If the changes are not reflected at http://localhost:8080 right away, refresh the page.

Exit the dev mode by using CTRL + C in the same terminal yarn docs:dev has been run.

Issuing the build command while the above dev command is active might cause the build to fail with errors.


yarn docs:build

The html files are available in developer-docs/docs/.vuepress/dist/


To deploy to gh-pages at https://<USERNAME>.github.io/developer-docs


The above script uses your git <USERNAME> from the global git configuration of your system.

Using Docker:

You can use Docker to reliably produce a developer environment that won't conflict with any of your existing projects.

Prerequisites: Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system