Kong / openapi2kong

Lib to convert OpenAPI specs into Kong specs
Apache License 2.0
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Lib to convert OpenAPI specs into Kong specs



Usage & installation

It can be installed from the repo using LuaRocks

# NOTE: this is meant to run an a Kong system, not on a standalone Lua installation
$ git clone https://github.com/kong/openapi2kong
$ cd openapi2kong
$ luarocks make

From here the CLI utility can be used as follows:

Usage: openapi2kong [OPTIONS] <input...>

Convert OpenAPI spec 3.x into Kong declarative format
  --tags (default "") Comma separated list of tags to apply
  --json              Write output as json (yaml is the default)
  --output (default "stdout")
                      Output file where to write to
  <input...> (string) input files (either json or yaml files)

Quick start

See the examples, and try to convert them. The annotations in the files explain how most of the properties work.

Generating Kong entities


Each generated entity will get the tags as specified as well as the following tags:

Service and Upstream

Services and Upstreams are generated from the OpenAPI property servers (which lives on the OpenAPI, Path, and Operation objects). Each service uses its accompanying upstream.

The servers listed will be added to the upstream object as targets, but the property may also be an empty list in which case no targets will be generated.

NOTE 1: The server variables defined in the server url's will be substituted by their default values.

NOTE 2: A pre-requisite is that the entries in the servers property only differ by hostname and port, since a Kong service or upstream cannot have multiple paths or schemes/protocols.

Defaults for the generated upstream and service objects can be set by using the custom extensions x-kong-upstream-defaults and x-kong-service-defaults. The properties can be specified on the OpenAPI, Path, and Operation objects.

Those defaults are 'inherited' from the top down. So defaults set on an OpenAPI top-level object will also apply to upstreams and services generated from a servers property on a Path or Operation object.

So to get the upstream defaults for a servers property on an Operation object:

This similarly applies to the service object.


Routes are generated for each Operation object. They are defined as regex routes and must have an exact match.

To set default for Routes, use the x-kong-route-defaults extension. The inheritance/fallback order is identical to the Service defaults.

Entity naming

Entity naming is relevant to be able to match OpenAPI spec content with the entities in the running Kong system.

NOTE: Every name will be normalized to remove unallowed characters!

Generating names (OpenAPI spec)

To facilitate naming there is a custom specification x-kong-name which can set the name of an entity.

Every entity is named in a hierarchical manner. So for example an Operation name will be starting with the OpenAPI name, then the Path name, and then the Operation name.

Whenever a name is not unique, the second one will get a number appended, which will be incremented for each next duplicate.

OpenAPI object

The name will be set in the following order:

Servers object

Will share the name with its parent (either an OpenAPI, Path, or Operation)

Path object

The name will be the OpenAPI object name, with appended (in the following order):

Operation object

The name will be the Path object name, with appended the operations method. Eg. get, post, etc.

Generated names (Kong spec)

Upstream & Service

The Upstream and Service entities will get the name of the servers property they were derived from.


A Route entity will get the name of its related Operation object.


The security property can be defined on the top-level openapi object as well as on operation objects. The information contained cannot be directly mapped onto Kong, due to the logical and/or nature of how the specs have been set up.

To overcome this Kong will only accept a single securityScheme from the security property.

The additional properties that Kong supports on its plugins can be configured by using custom extensions. The custom extensions are x-kong-security-<plugin-name>.

Supported types are:


Generic plugins can be added on an operation object. The custom extension to use is x-kong-plugin-<plugin-name>. The name property is not required (since it's already in the extension name). Optional properties not specified will get Kong defaults.

Plugins can also be added on the OpenAPI object level, in which case they will be applied to every Operation in the spec. If a plugin is specified on both, the Operation level one will take precedence.

This extension needs to hold an object that contains the entire plugin config.

"x-kong-plugin-key-auth": {
  "name": "key-auth",
  "enabled": true,
  "config": {
    "key_names": ["api_key", "apikey"],
    "key_in_body": false,
    "hide_credentials": true

References are also supported, so this is valid as well (provided the reference exists):

"x-kong-plugin-key-auth": {
  "$ref": "#/components/kong/plugins/key_auth_config"


To enable validation the request-validation plugin must be added to an operation object. You can either specify the full configuration, or have it be auto-generated based on the OpenAPI spec.

To enable auto generation, add the plugin, but do not include the config property. The config property will then be auto-generated and added to the generated spec.