KonnexionsGmbH / OraLixir

Oracle driver for Elixir
2 stars 4 forks source link


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An ecto adapter for Oracle using oranif.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding oracle to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

defp deps do
    {:oralixir, git: "https://github.com/KonnexionsGmbH/OraLixir"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/oralixir.


Start connection using the default configuration (UNIX domain socket):

iex> {:ok, pid} = OraLixir.start_link([])
{:ok, #PID<0.69.0>}

Start connection using the default configuration (UNIX domain socket):

iex> OraLixir.prepare_execute(pid, "name", "SELECT 'string', 1, sysdate FROM DUAL", [], [])
    numCols: 3,
    query_str: "SELECT 'string', 1, sysdate FROM DUAL",
    statement: #Reference<0.4128640180.1299578898.122555>
    columns: [
        name: '\'STRING\'',
        nullOk: true,
        typeInfo: %{
          clientSizeInBytes: 6,
          dbSizeInBytes: 6,
          defaultNativeTypeNum: :DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_BYTES,
          fsPrecision: 0,
          objectType: :featureNotImplemented,
          ociTypeCode: 96,
          oracleTypeNum: :DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_CHAR,
          precision: 0,
          scale: 0,
          sizeInChars: 6
        name: '1',
        nullOk: true,
        typeInfo: %{
          clientSizeInBytes: 0,
          dbSizeInBytes: 0,
          defaultNativeTypeNum: :DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_DOUBLE,
          fsPrecision: 0,
          objectType: :featureNotImplemented,
          ociTypeCode: 2,
          oracleTypeNum: :DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_NUMBER,
          precision: 0,
          scale: -127,
          sizeInChars: 0
        name: 'SYSDATE',
        nullOk: true,
        typeInfo: %{
          clientSizeInBytes: 0,
          dbSizeInBytes: 0,
          defaultNativeTypeNum: :DPI_NATIVE_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
          fsPrecision: 0,
          objectType: :featureNotImplemented,
          ociTypeCode: 12,
          oracleTypeNum: :DPI_ORACLE_TYPE_DATE,
          precision: 0,
          scale: 0,
          sizeInChars: 0
    rows: [
          day: 6,
          fsecond: 0,
          hour: 17,
          minute: 57,
          month: 10,
          second: 18,
          tzHourOffset: 0,
          tzMinuteOffset: 0,
          year: 2019

iex> OraLixir.prepare_stream(pid, "SELECT sysdate, 1, 'first row' FROM DUAL", [], [])
      day: 6,
      fsecond: 0,
      hour: 18,
      minute: 4,
      month: 10,
      second: 48,
      tzHourOffset: 0,
      tzMinuteOffset: 0,
      year: 2019
    "first row"