Kopano-dev / meet

A PWA for doing video meetings
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Plugin for Mattermost #9

Open tech348712013870132 opened 4 years ago

tech348712013870132 commented 4 years ago

Are there any plans to offer a Mattermost integration for this very great application in the future?

Thank you for your response :)

fbartels commented 4 years ago

HI @tech348712013870132,

thanks for your request. We have previously looked into creating a plugin for Mattermost, but for us at Kopano such a plugin is currently of no priority.

In the simplest case a Meet integration can be done similar to other integrations like zoom or bugbluebutton by simply pasting a link into a conversation.

If someone from the community/Mattermost wants to start working on such a plugin we will gladly help that someone with all Meet related questions.

Fuseteam commented 4 years ago

we would be interested in working on such a plugin what do we need?

fbartels commented 4 years ago

Hi @Fuseteam,

that largely depends on the integration possibilities within Mattermost. In the simplest case you only need to generate the room url in your plugin and indicate to users that they need to follow the link in their browser.

A link could look something like https://use.meet-app.io/meet/r/join/group/public/24563 if you want to have a public room (so no user account required in Meet) with the ability for participants to complete the join flow to select camera/name before joining the call. Or https://use.meet-app.io/meet/r/group/public/24563#guest=1&auto=1 if the call should be started automatically.

If you want a visual integration of Meet inside of Mattermost, then for these cases we have started https://github.com/gluejs/glue, but I don't think there is any public demo code on how to interface this with Meet at the moment.

Fuseteam commented 4 years ago

an visual integration would be more attractive, tho i suppose that would have to wait