Kopano-dev / meet

A PWA for doing video meetings
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kopano meeting pwa video webrtc

Kopano Meet

Kopano Meet is a progressive web app for video meetings for desktop and mobile utilizing the Kopano Web Meeting client library (kwmjs).


Build Dependencies

Building meet requires the following dependencies:

Quick start

Meet is a progressive web app. So to get it up and running either build it with make or get a release tarball from https://download.kopano.io/community/kapp:/kopano-meet-latest.tar.gz and put the resulting static files on a webserver and serve them with https.

Kopano also provides packages for various Linux distributions. You can download those from https://download.kopano.io/community/meet:/ - Get a subscription from https://kopano.com to get access to repositories and support.

URL fragment parameters

Meet offers some user controlled behavior via parameters passed in as URL fragments. These can be used to control the initial behavior of Meet, for example when sharing links to a specific Meet group or conference.

auto= : Meet will automatically join the group/conference if one is directly given by URL if already signed in or signing in as guest. Values are 1 for auto join with audio only or 2 to auto join with video call.

mute= : Meet automatically disables camera and/or microphone on startup, based on the value of the mute parameter. This value is a bitmask which uses 1 for microphone and 2 for camera. The combined value 3 is therefore muting both.

hd= : Selects the maximum camera resolution based on the value of the hd parameter. 0, 1, 2, 3 or repectively 360p, 720p, 1080p, 4k can be selected.

stereo: If given, the microphone is openend with 2 channels (stereo).

All URL fragment parameters need already be there when the Meet app loads. For example see the following link:


Automatically joins the super-duper group as a video call but with muted microphone.

Additional fragment parameters are supported to handle additional functionality. See the rest of this documentation for more information.

Runtime dependencies

To operate Meet, it needs backends. Meet uses Konnect for authentication, KWM server for signaling and Kapi for groupware and key/value storage apis. So those are needed as well. See the links below to find instructions how to get those running.

Runtime configuration

Meet configuration is done via REST config API. An example what this API needs to provide can be found in the config.json.in example which you find in the sources or documentation. Kopano Meet loads the config endpoint on startup from /api/config/v1/kopano/meet/config.json. So ensure in the web server config, that this URL can be found since it is required and provides essential options to meet.

Further information about Kopano Web Meetings can be found at the kwmjs client library project.


The following configuration options are supported by Kopano Meet via settings in config.json.

Groupware API

apiPrefix key defines the URL or path where Meet can access grapi via HTTPS. The usual value in a Kopano setup is /api/gc/v1. This is a required setting.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

oidc key defines a mapping for OpenID Connect specific settings. It can be empty and Meet will try to find the OIDC issuer on the host where Meet is accessed from. It is recommended to configure the issuer identifier (iss) explicitly. If any of the values is empty, it will be auto detected or auto generated.

"oidc": {
    "iss": "",
    "clientID: ""

KWM Server

kwm key defines a mapping for KWM server specific settings. It can be empty and Meet will try to use KWM server API on the host where Meet is accessed from.

"kwm": {
    "url": ""

Guest support

Meet has support for guest access. This feature is disabled by default and can be controlled via the guests key in config.json.

"guests": {
    "enabled": true,
    "default": null

If enabled, Meet can be accessed as guest if started with #guest= parameter, for example by clicking on a link. The guest values and the corresponding behavior is defined by KWM server. At the moment, Meet supports guest=1 together with optionalname and token parameters.

guest= : guest mode (example guest=1) token= : guest authentication token (example token=token-value) name= : guest display name value (example name=John%20Smith)

Please be aware that values need to be URL encoded and need to be passed in the fragment identifier part of the URL. Moreover, these values are only checked once while Meet startup.

In addition to the #guest= parameter the guest mode can be made the default by setting a guest type with the default key in the guests key value in config.json. The value from there will be used if the #guest= parameter is not set. At the moment, Meet supports guest type 1. So to enable that by default, use "default": "1" in config.json within the guests key.

Example guest link:


Setting up guest support

Aside from enabling guest support in Meet, it also needs to be enabeled in KWM server and in Konnect. Here are quick instructions how to do that.

First, generate a new ECDSA key. In this example we use OpenSSL for that. It is recommended to generate an EC key since those are much smaller that the also supported RSA keys.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ecparam.pem
openssl ec -in ecparam.pem -out my-test-key-1.pem

So we have my-test-key-1.pem now which contains the pem encoded EC PRIVATE KEY part. We need to convert this to a JSON Web Key. Most tools out there cannot convert that properly, so Konnect contains a helper for this.

kopano-konnectd utils jwk-from-pem --yaml my-test-key-1.pem

Now we have the key in the correct format. It also uses the file name of the key file as id (kid) for the key. So change as you like, just ensure you use the same values in both KWM server and Konnect registration YAML files below.

Add the generated key as a client to the registration files on both KWM server and Konnect. Both ship with examples (registration.yaml.in and identifier-registration.yaml.in). Essentially the Meet client (as configured in config.json, needs to be added to both KWM server and Konnect registrations).

In Konnect, the private part of the key is technically not required (this is the d part). Additionally required in Konnect registration is the trusted_scopes key to allow konnect/guestok and kopano/kwm to allow Meet guest access. The Konnect client-registration.yaml.in has an example for this as well. Ensure that Konnect is started with a client registration and that the Meet client (identified by client_id) is properly registered on startup. Also do not forget to enable general guest support in Konnect (allow-client-guests commandline parameter).

In KWM Server, guest support is enabled by commandline parameters or configuration file. See the guest settings section in kwmserverd.cfg. The minimal requirement is that the guest API is turned on. Further settings and commandline parameters control wether guests only rooms are allowed or which rooms are available for guests without token.


Run make to install dependencies and to generate audio/json assets. Then copy Caddyfile.dev to Caddyfile run yarn start and caddy.


See LICENSE.txt for licensing information of this project.