Koppeltaal / KT2-Docker-Compose

Docker compose project that helps to easily spawn the required components for Koppeltaal 2.0. Mainly used for development-purposes.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Docker compose project to spawn the required system components that make up the KT2 architecture: A FHIR store, an IDP, an Authorization service and the Domain service.


$> docker-compose pull
$> docker-compose up
# [...]run tests etc.[...]
$> docker-compose down -v

NOTE how the down -v command will delete the containers and their data. This setup's intention it to aid in (automated) test setups where a deterministic and known initial state is required. When running the containers, the underlying Postgres database is restored with:


Once the containers are running you can access the services:

Regenerate a clean state

By default, this project restores database dumps in order to start quickly and provide a deterministic state. However, this causes maintenance issues. When the database scheme changes, this can cause problems. As a solution, this project provides the build_and_dump folder.

NOTE: This script will throw away all existing data from the volume! Click on the link to see the build_and_dump README for more information.

Regenerate a Keycloak realm export

Keycloak is always populated with a config file against an empty database. If you wish to extend the config file, execute the following command after the Keycloak state is correct.

docker exec kt2_keycloak /opt/keycloak/bin/kc.sh export --realm kt2 --file /opt/keycloak/data/import/keycloak-kt2-realm.json

This will overwrite the config file at /config/keycloak-kt2-realm.json.

Notes / Caveats