Conversion of TEI P5 based formats to KorAP-XML
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

tei2korapxml - Conversion of TEI P5 based formats to KorAP-XML


cat corpus.i5.xml | tei2korapxml - > corpus.korapxml.zip


C is a script to convert TEI P5 and L<I5|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/digspra/kl/projekte/korpora/textmodell> based documents to the L<KorAP-XML format|https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-Krill#about-korap-xml>.

This program is usually called from inside another script.

=head1 FORMATS

=head2 Input restrictions

=over 2


TEI P5 formatted input with certain restrictions:

=over 4


B: text-header with integrated textsigle (or convertable identifier), text-body


B: corp-header with integrated corpsigle, doc-header with integrated docsigle



All tokens inside the primary text may not be newline seperated, because newlines are removed (see L) and a conversion of newlines into blanks between 2 tokens could lead to additional blanks, where there should be none (e.g.: punctuation characters like C<,> or C<.> should not be seperated from their predecessor token). (see also code section C<~ whitespace handling ~> in C<script/tei2korapxml>).


Header types, like C<EidsHeader [...] type="document" [...] E> need to be defined in the same line as the header tag.


=head2 Notes on the output

=over 2


zip file output (default on C) with utf8 encoded entries (which together form the KorAP-XML format)



C requires C bindings and L to be installed. When these requirements are met, the preferred way to install the script is to use L<cpanm|App::cpanminus>.

$ cpanm https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-XML-TEI.git

In case everything went well, the C tool will be available on your command line immediately.

Minimum requirement for L is Perl 5.36.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 2

=item B<--input|-i>

The input file to process. If no specific input is defined and a single dash C<-> is passed as an argument, data is read from C.

=item B<--root|-r>

The root directory for output. Defaults to C<.>.

=item B<--help|-h>

Print help information.

=item B<--version|-v>

Print version information.

=item B<--tokenizer-korap|-tk>

Use the standard KorAP/DeReKo tokenizer.

=item B<--tokenizer-internal|-ti>

Tokenize the data using two embedded tokenizers, that will take an I and a I approach.

=item B<--tokenizer-call|-tc>

Call an external tokenizer process, that will tokenize from STDIN and outputs the offsets of all tokens.

Texts are separated using C<\x04\n>. The external process should add a new line per text.

If the L</--use-tokenizer-sentence-splits> option is activated, sentences are marked by offset as well in new lines.

To use L<Datok|https://github.com/KorAP/Datok> including sentence splitting, call C as follows:

$ cat corpus.i5.xml | tei2korapxml -s \ $ -tc 'datok tokenize \ $ -t ./tokenizer.matok \ $ -p --newline-after-eot --no-sentences \ $ --no-tokens --sentence-positions -' - \ $ > corpus.korapxml.zip

=item B<--skip-inline-tokens>

Boolean flag indicating that inline tokens should not be processed. Defaults to false (meaning inline tokens will be processed).

=item B<--skip-inline-token-annotations>

Boolean flag indicating that inline token annotations should not be processed. Defaults to true (meaning inline token annotations won't be processed).

=item B<--skip-inline-tags>

Expects a comma-separated list of tags to be ignored when the structure is parsed. Content of these tags however will be processed.

=item B<--xmlid-to-textsigle> from-regex>@<to-c/to-d/to-t

Expects a regular replacement expression (separated by B<@> between the search and the replacement) to convert text id attributes to text sigles with three parts (separated by B</>).


tei2korapxml \ --xmlid-to-textsigle 'ICC.German.([^.]+.[^.]+).(.+)@ICCGER/$1/$2' \ -tk - < t/data/icc_german_sample.p5.xml

Converts text id C to sigle C<ICCGER/DeReKo.WPD17/G11.00238>.

=item B<--inline-tokens> #[]

Define the foundry and file (without extension) to store inline token information in. Unless C<--skip-inline-token-annotations> is set, this will contain annotations as well. Defaults to C and C.

The inline token data will also be stored in the inline structures file (see I<--inline-structures>), unless the inline token foundry is prepended by an B<!> exclamation mark, indicating that inline tokens are stored exclusively in the inline tokens file.


tei2korapxml --inline-tokens '!gingko#morpho' < data.i5.xml > korapxml.zip

=item B<--inline-structures> #[]

Define the foundry and file (without extension) to store inline structure information in. Defaults to C and C.

=item B<--base-foundry>

Define the base foundry to store newly generated token information in. Defaults to C.

=item B<--data-file>

Define the file (without extension) to store primary data information in. Defaults to C.

=item B<--header-file>

Define the file name (without extension) to store header information on the corpus, document, and text level in. Defaults to C


=item B<--use-tokenizer-sentence-splits|-s>

Replace existing with, or add new, sentence boundary information provided by the tokenizer. Currently KorAP-tokenizer and certain external tokenizers support these boundaries.

=item B<--tokens-file>

Define the file (without extension) to store generated token information in (either from the KorAP tokenizer or an externally called tokenizer). Defaults to C.

=item B<--log|-l>

Loglevel for I. Defaults to C.



=over 2

=item B

Activate minimal debugging. Defaults to C.



Copyright (C) 2021-2024, L<IDS Mannheim|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/>

Author: Peter Harders

Contributors: Nils Diewald, Marc Kupietz, Carsten Schnober

L is developed as part of the L<KorAP|https://korap.ids-mannheim.de/> Corpus Analysis Platform at the L<Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS)|https://www.ids-mannheim.de/>, member of the L<Leibniz-Gemeinschaft|http://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/>.

This program is free software published under the L<BSD-2 License|https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause>.
