Korthax / BlazorSplitGrid

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Blazor Split Grid

A basic Blazor component wrapper around Split Grid.


Installation Guide

  1. Install the Nuget Package
    dotnet add package BlazorSplit
  2. Add namespace reference to your _Imports.razor
    @using BlazorSplitGrid
  3. Add the following to the end of your HTML body section, it's either index.html or _Layout.cshtml/_Host.cshtml depending on whether you're running WebAssembly or Server, it should be in the same location as the default blazor script.
    <script src="https://github.com/Korthax/BlazorSplitGrid/raw/main/_content/BlazorSplitGrid/splitGrid/split-grid.min.js"></script>
  4. Optional In the same file but located in the HTML head section, you can add basic gutter styling by including the following css
    <link href="https://github.com/Korthax/BlazorSplitGrid/blob/main/_content/BlazorSplitGrid/BlazorSplitGrid.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />


Blazor Split Grid will automatically generate the track number and classes for your gutters so all you need to specify is whether the gutter is a row or column.

<SplitGrid SnapOffset="0" DragInterval="1" MaxSize="850">
    <SplitGridColumn />
    <SplitGridRow />


See the example project for a more comprehensive example.

API Reference


You are able to specify all the Split Grid options on the top level SplitGrid component except the row and column gutters.

Attribute Type Default Description
MinSize int 0 The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
MaxSize int Infinity The maximum size in pixels for all tracks.
ColumnMinSize int MinSize The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
RowMinSize int MinSize The minimum size in pixels for all tracks.
ColumnMaxSize int MaxSize The maximum size in pixels for all tracks.
RowMaxSize int MaxSize The maximum size in pixels for all tracks.
ColumnMinSizes Dictionary<int, int> ColumnMinSize An object keyed by track index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an s, while the two fallback options are singular.
RowMinSizes Dictionary<int, int> RowMinSize object keyed by track index, with values set to the minimum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual minSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an s, while the two fallback options are singular.
ColumnMaxSizes Dictionary<int, int> ColumnMaxSize An object keyed by track index, with values set to the maximum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual maxSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an s, while the two fallback options are singular.
RowMaxSizes Dictionary<int, int> RowMaxSize An object keyed by track index, with values set to the maximum size in pixels for the track at that index. Allows individual maxSizes to be specified by track. Note this option is plural with an s, while the two fallback options are singular.
SnapOffset int 30 Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0 to disable snap.
ColumnSnapOffset int SnapOffset Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0 to disable snap.
RowSnapOffset int SnapOffset Snap to minimum size at this offset in pixels. Set to 0 to disable snap.
DragInterval int 1 Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1 for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
ColumnDragInterval int DragInterval Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1 for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
RowDragInterval int DragInterval Drag this number of pixels at a time. Defaults to 1 for smooth dragging, but can be set to a pixel value to give more control over the resulting sizes.
Cursor string 'col-resize' and 'row-resize' Cursor to show while dragging. Defaults to 'col-resize' for column gutters and 'row-resize' for row gutters.
ColumnCursor string 'col-resize' Cursor to show while dragging.
RowCursor string 'row-resize' Cursor to show while dragging.
OnDrag DragEventArgs - Called continuously on drag. For process intensive code, add a debounce function to rate limit this callback. gridTemplateStyle is the computed CSS value for grid-template-column or grid-template-row, depending on direction.
OnDragStart DragEventArgs - Called on drag start.
OnDragEnd DragEventArgs - Called on drag end.

SplitGridRow / SplitGridColumn

You can specify the MinSize and MaxSize on the gutters which is automatically added to the ColumnMinSizes/RowMinSizes and ColumnMaxSizes/RowMaxSizes properties.

Attribute Type Default Description
MinSize int 0 The minimum size in pixels for this track.
MaxSize int Infinity The maximum size in pixels for this track.


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