KoslickiLab / KEGG_data_extraction

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KEGG Data Extraction Scripts


This repository contains the python scripts used to download sequence data of organisms (e.g., Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes) or viruses from KEGG via its APIs. There is a shell script main.sh to summarize the steps to downalod KEGG sequence data.


The requirements.txt file contains the necessary packages required to run the code in this repo. You can install it via:

conda create -y --name KEGG_env python=3.8
conda install -y --name KEGG_env -c conda-forge -c bioconda --file requirements.txt
conda activate KEGG_env


You can simply git clone this repo to your local computer, and then run:

bash main.sh


You can run the specific python scripts based on your need. There are three python scripts under ./python_scripts folder:


This script is used to download the organism table and the associated origanisms' RefSeq and GeneBank genomes based on KEGG information. It has the following two parameters:

Example: python ${your_current_path}/python_scripts/extract_kegg_organism_data.py --organisms 'Archaea' 'Bacteria' 'Fungi' --outdir ${your_current_path}/out_results/kegg_organisms


This script is used to download the viruses table and their associated RefSeq and GeneBank genomes based on KEGG information. It has only one parameter:

Example: python ${your_current_path}/python_scripts/extract_kegg_virus_data.py --outdir ${your_current_path}/out_results/kegg_viruses


This script needs to run after either/both of the above two scripts have been implemented. Iis used to download the gene sequences into a fasta-format file. It has only one parameter:


  1. python ${your_current_path}/python_scripts/download_seq_fasta.py --table ${here}/out_results/kegg_organisms/organism_table.txt --col 'rs_ncbi_seq_ids' --organisms 'Archaea' 'Bacteria' 'Fungi' --outfile ${your_current_path}/out_results/kegg_organisms/rs_ncbi_organism.fasta

  2. python ${your_current_path}/python_scripts/download_seq_fasta.py --table ${here}/out_results/kegg_organisms/organism_table.txt --col 'gb_ncbi_seq_id' --organisms 'Archaea' 'Bacteria' 'Fungi' --outfile ${your_current_path}/out_results/kegg_organisms/gb_ncbi_organism.fasta


You can find the data (only for Archaea' 'Bacteria' 'Fungi' and 'Viruses') that I have already downloaded previously from our GPU server. The data locates /data/shared_data/KEGG_data.

FASTA formatted gene sequences

The script convert_table_to_fasta.py will convert the *.txt records of gene sequences into FASTA formatted versions of the amino acid and nucleotide sequences. These are stored at /data/shared_data/KEGG_data/kegg_genes.faa and /data/shared_data/KEGG_data/kegg_genes.fna

To see how the format conversion works on test data, run the following from the python_scripts directory:

./convert_table_to_fasta.py --gene_dir ../test_data/input/ --out_dir ../test_data/output/

and you will find the output in /data/output