KosukeFukazawa / CharacterAnimationTools

Character Animation Tools for Python.
MIT License
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CAT: Character Animation Tools for Python

This repository includes scripts for Character Animation. All the code is written entirely in python. It is useful for pre-processing and post-processing motions in **Deep Learning**. It will be also useful for create character animations. ## :star: Requirements I tested on python3.10 (for match-case syntax). ### Package * NumPy * SciPy * matplotlib * chumpy (if you use vanilla SMPL for AIST++). * easydict ### Motion Data Some of the scripts in this repository need motion data below. Please download them and place them in [`data/`](data) or link them as symbolic links at [`data/`](data). For more information please see [`data/data.md`](data/data.md). * [Ubisoft La Forge Animation Dataset (LAFAN1)](https://github.com/ubisoft/ubisoft-laforge-animation-dataset) * [SMPL](https://smpl.is.tue.mpg.de/) * [SMPL+H](https://mano.is.tue.mpg.de/) * [SMPL-X](https://smpl-x.is.tue.mpg.de/) * [AMASS](https://amass.is.tue.mpg.de/) * [AIST++](https://google.github.io/aistplusplus_dataset/factsfigures.html) ## :question: How to use? ### 1. Load and Save Animation
open #### 1.1 Load Animation from [bvh](https://research.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Courses/cs-838-1999/Jeff/BVH.html) file. ```Python from anim import bvh from anim.animation import Animation anim_bvh: Animation = bvh.load(filepath="data/**.bvh") ``` #### 1.2 Load Animation from [AIST++](https://google.github.io/aistplusplus_dataset/factsfigures.html). You need to install chumpy to use vanilla SMPL model. ```Python from anim import aistpp anim: Animation = aistpp.load( aistpp_motion_path="data/aistpp/**.pkl", smpl_path="data/smpl/neutral/model.pkl" ) ``` #### 1.3 Load Animation from [AMASS](https://amass.is.tue.mpg.de/). I recommend you to download extended SMPL+H model (16 beta components). ```Python from anim import amass anim: Animation = amass.load( amass_motion_path="data/amass/**.npz", smplh_path="data/smplh/neutral/model.npz" ) ``` #### 1.4 Save as bvh. You can convert SMPL based motion files (AIST++, AMASS) to BVH files. ```Python from anim import bvh from anim.animation import Animation ... anim: Animation bvh.save( filepath="data/***.bvh", anim=anim ) ```
### 2. Get motion features
open #### 2.1 Get positions (global, root-centric, character space). ```Python import numpy as np from anim.animation import Animation ... anim: Animation global_positions: np.ndarray = anim.gpos rcentric_positions: np.ndarray = anim.rtpos cspace_positions: np.ndarray = anim.cpos ``` #### 2.2 Get velocities(positions, rotations). ```Python anim: Animation pos_velocities: np.ndarray = anim.gposvel rot_velocities: np.ndarray = anim.lrotvel ``` #### 2.3 Get mirrored Animation. (**caution**: Skel offsets must be symmetric.) ```Python anim: Animation anim_M: Animation = anim.mirror() ```
### 3. Inverse Kinematics
open #### 3.1 Two bone IK Analytical method of foot IK example (define heels positon and knees forward vector). ```bash python anim/inverse_kinematics/two_bone_ik.py ``` ![two_bone_ik](figs/two_bone_ik.png) #### 3.2 CCD-IK Simple demo. ```bash python anim/inverse_kinematics/ccd_ik.py ``` ![ccd_ik](figs/ccd_ik.png) #### 3.3 FABRIK Simple demo. ```bash python anim/inverse_kinematics/fabrik.py ``` ![fabrik](figs/fabrik.png)
### 4. Motion Blending
open #### 4.1 Linear blending for pose. TBD
### 5. Motion Matching
open #### 5.1 Character Control by predefined trajectories ```python python test/path_following.py ``` ![sim_motion](figs/sim_motion.gif) ![sim_sidestep](figs/sim_motion_sidestep.gif)
## :eyes: Notification * [`util/quat.py`](util/quat.py) inspired by [Motion-Matching](https://github.com/orangeduck/Motion-Matching). * This repository is MIT licensed, but some datasets requires a separate license. Please check them. ## :speech_balloon: Contact This repository is under construction. Feel free to contact me on [issue](https://github.com/KosukeFukazawa/CharacterAnimationTools/issues). ## :books:License This code is distributed under an [MIT LICENSE](LICENSE).